
If the second season of House of the Dragon actually required more work from him, it would be delayed like Winds of Winter. Instead, like the Poul Anderson tribute anthology he was supposed to contribute to* it can continue via the efforts of others in order to make the deadline.

I’m still flabbergasted that everyone jumped on board another GoT show. Like I personally thought the last season was okay but I had zero interest diving back in meanwhile people that HATED that season seem perfectly content diving in for more content.

I can live without any more GoT spinoffs.

Dude will say anything to distract from his lack of writing.

The movie had a ton of holes.  There were a lot of leaps and purposefully ignored things. It was in service of the genre, but pretty glaring. 

Also the tone seems completely different. Gran Torino was dark and gritty.

Sure. “Your child was using vulgar phrases that they probably don’t understand and I don’t think it would be advisable to have her on a movie set” would be totally fine. “She was flirting with me” is...pretty weird.

You’re aware she didn’t actually say that line right, and was just hyperbolizing that it’s never okay to sexualize a child no matter what they say

If you’re so tired of talking about it, then why did you create this article?

Yeah, TLJ was silly, and TLJ was way too fucking long…and TLJ was very, very pretty!

Right?? Same with Rope, which is more of a How-to-catch-them like Columbo. I’d also add Sleuth and Deathtrap are only whodunnit-adjacent (definitely both are recommended for whodunnit fans, but they’re different beasts entirely).

Metacritic is not a valid site. Hostiles is a good movie. 

See, I thought Pearl was better than X. But I definitely enjoyed them both.


Don’t forget to add Smurfs. Keep the tired, played out Avatar analogy trifecta intact.

It is there it just takes a bit to find it. 

probably still riding off of that Big League Chew fortune

It was the first film I went to see at the pictures with the man I am now married to. It was OK, I think, nowt special though, given all the fuss that was made about it. Neither of us has ever watched it again, nor do we have any interest in the sequel.

That’s the best point I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

I was so excited to see World’s Fair but it was the most let down I’ve been in a while.