Oh man, I loved Brick. Then again, I’m a connoisseur of old school noir.
Oh man, I loved Brick. Then again, I’m a connoisseur of old school noir.
Stop it you're shattering their narrative.
He was.
“Modern historians are doubtful about the biblical account of Jewish captivity in Egypt”
I mean... Abraham Lincoln was called the “American Moses.” The connections between Jews and Black people actually run fairly deep. It’s a shame when it turns into a pissing contest rather than a source of of solidarity.
I don’t think you are meant to take Ferguson literally.
Kanye is a ”musician” in the loosest possible sense. He’s as much of a samurai or astronaut as he is a musician.
‘”And she probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to show her perfect ass in the Disney pilot.”’,@The Kinja Caffeine Spider
Did you read the article? I know, dumb question. You obviously did not.....
Ethnic Jews trace their ancestry back through the diaspera to the original Isrealite tribe.
In addition to the character issues, it went down the tubes artistically. Seasons 1 and 2 were legitimately beautiful and visually interesting in the service of the story - by season 3, he desperately needed an editor willing to tell him ‘no.’ No, Brian Fuller, watching a drop of water for 5 minutes is not good TV. …
I believe Jeremy Strong is Jewish.
All television is made to make money. Some people try to also make it good in the process.
So your goal was to...further assert that she is a shitbag? Success.
“it is dangerous to assert that any category of people deserves a blanket presumption of innocence”
Holloween 2018 made a shit ton of money and got unexpected rave reviews...of course they made it into a trilogy with diminishing returns. It's the horror movie life cycle.
I give Ledger’s Joker this, he didn’t have an origin scene. He comes out of nowhere. He’s just an avatar of chaos.
It was a good unintentional laugh that he got her name wrong in the same paragraph that he sneered at “out of touch” people that don’t keep up with current music enough. And unintentional laughs are the most that Barsanti can really hope for!
Those 3 extra years really give him a unique perspective.
No mention of Oculus? His largest box office hit?