
Not only is this the first one without Spielberg directing, it’s also the first without George Lucas getting a story credit.

Poor Bob Ross’ reputation may not recover. Then again, it tarnished rather quickly once he was gone.

Most ’90s kids could tell the difference between a Prince Eric and a Gaston when they saw those movies the first time around.

clearly aches for a closeness she can’t bring herself to crave

I don’t think it’s doing any satirical skewering of its concept, it’s just not a very good movie.

I saw Annihilation before (more than just clips of) the original. Partly as a result, I didn’t see the original until last year, alongside the so-called “Morton Jankel cut” of Mario Bros:

Wendy & Lucy is my 2nd favorite Reichardt film, after River of Grass. It seemed like she moved away from comedy after the latter, so Showing Up would be sort of a return to her roots (but not Florida).

Which is more than one could say for Troy McClure.

So it wasn’t a principled objection to live-action remakes of animated movies?

It’s not a plot point, it was just a popular form of entertainment at the time.

The Shakespeare references in Batman are oft overlooked.

I just reread this after the AVC’s article on Zhao’s “Hamnet”, and it’s striking to note that 2 years later there are 2 Dracula movies coming out this year, but none of the directors mentioned as following in the wake of Whannell’s Invisible Man have actually done so.

I thought Shakespeare’s wife was named Anne Hathaway.

Amazon was only pretending to factor in customer feedback. Reportedly, Chris Carter’s pilot got the highest audience scores, while Transparent got the lowest. Which one got a series order?

There’s yet another Dracula movie from Universal coming out later this year with “Last Voyage of the Demeter”, but that doesn’t have names in its cast quite as big.

pretapped segments

I still want to see the scrapped Snowpiercer pilot he wrote & Scott Derrickson directed. He had little to do with the show that actually aired. A show he actually did get to run was “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”.

I thought the FBI was created earlier because of bankrobbers who fled across state lines.

Kubrick did satire & horror, period pieces set centuries in the past & scifi futurism, war movies & “erotic mystery”. Recurring cast members across films was atypical for him. A new Kubrick film was usually something quite different from what he’d done before.