
Why not let her do KP duty at military school?

Kanye West posted a swastika and got booted off Twitter

I’m reminded of George R. R. Martin being jaded by his time as a screenwriter in which he’d be paid handsomely for scripts that would never be filmed, and thus deciding to go back to writing novels, this time indulging himself in all the ways that would make scenes impractical to film. Now he’s been writing The Winds

Something else in his case is commercials.

I was a teen as well, but an annoying enough one that I’d already written off (relatively) new music so that just compounded my dislike for the film.

Anne Hathaway has been mothering exceptionally hard lately

#3 is in keeping with #1, and hated by those who love #2. Since I view #2 as being a less scary dumbed down action movie take (as Cameron’s Rambo script was vs First Blood), I don’t mind Fincher killing off Cameron’s characters (just as Scott killed off all but one of his characters).

Most water is used by agriculture, not cities. There are ways to reduce how much water is used by agriculture, but right now water is too cheap for that to be cost-effective:

Fair enough.

Could be the case.

Paris is further north than Chicago. Even Marseilles is. Illinois in general gets more sunlight hours per year than most of France.

The ellipsis is supposed to imply more of the same.

Here’s my bet: the cost of living will remain lower than NYC in the cities listed here next year, and the year after that, and the year after that...

Under that logic, one should only live in a swing state if one hopes to make an impact.

#7 San Antonio had the largest numerical increase in population between 2020 & 2021:

You have to take into account the supply of housing. It’s MUCH more restricted in some places than others.

The twin cities of Minnesota used to be the place Matt Yglesias recommended where you’re most likely to find a job that pays well relative to the cost of living, since people are unwilling to live in a place known for the cold... but that was before George Floyd.

They were calculating current cost of living. On what time scale is “eventually”?

What do you mean by “give up your vote”?

My brother’s girlfriend recently broke up with him specifically because she refused to spend another winter in Chicago and wanted to move to Florida, where he didn’t have a job lined up (and didn’t expect to find one in his field). Which I found odd since she’s from France and I would have expected the weather there