
So by not saying anything about a murder victim she’s saying people should die?

I actually don’t know Davis’ opinion on the age of consent. Presumably, as a prison abolitionist, she wouldn’t think prison an appropriate punishment for violating it, but that leaves a lot of other possible responses.

Spielberg didn’t “witness” anything in the 1930s, he wasn’t even born yet.

It’s true that’s a rough comparison, Milo never bought a gun used to hold a courtroom hostage and murder a judge.

Milo was winning because of how people reacted at colleges. It was his whole brand. He lost when he offended his righwing patrons via his comments on underage sex.

When did JK Rowling say you should die?

Who is saying there should be “no refutation”?

In the context of inflation, keeping nominal prices the same is equivalent to a price cut in real terms.

What makes it “arbitrary”?

Now playing

The idea of someone in a comedy being worried about being laughed at is inherently funny.

That purpose being to mock the trend toward comedy-in-theory.

people laughing at me

Hey, I’m a terrible person who DID go to college! There are lots of terrible people who went to college!

Didn’t Rolling Stone change ownership after they got sued for their “A Rape on Campus” story based on an anonymous source? This is 13 sources, which is a lot more, but RS is not the magazine with reliability in that respect.

This film had its theatrical debut in October 2020. It appears there’s a reason it took so long since then to have a wide release.

In the trailer Shakespeare mocks the idea of adding music to theatrical plays... but we have Samuel Pepys’ diaries of Shakespearian plays, and the music was actually his favorite part. This is what they took from you by insisting on only using the “authentic” versions onstage.

Ah, I wasn’t actually saying that was true of Depp, just imagining a hypothetical version of Levinson who was not try-hard.

You should count your wealth in pennies (or perhaps half-farthings, depending on where you live) to feel richer.

I would also vote for Banshees if it were up to me.