
I had heard her character was the best part of Downsizing... but that could be a very low bar.

I’ve admittedly only seen pictures of Corrin, but I don’t detect a ratlike quality.

Defoe’s undisclosed character should be Nock/Renfield. He’s the right age for the part as it was originally written (prior to Universal adapting it), and he’d be following in the footsteps of Klaus Kinski in having played both Orlok & Renfield.

I don’t think “America” is wrestling with how to avoid making the protagonists of cop shows into heroes. Audiences have no problem watching that, so those shows still have high ratings (relative to the rest of the TV landscape).

I was just listening to Blank Check’s Knock at the Cabin podcast, and (in the context of Rupert Grint vs Emily Watson’s careers) they brought up how Disney’s live-action remakes have made a lot of money, but none of their stars appear to have gotten a career boost (except Lily James).

They tried suing over Enola Holmes, but I don’t think they succeeded.

Yes, that appears to be exactly what it is. But it’s likely the last time he can do this.

This is like some strange flipside to that “Blood & Honey” movie aspiring to be a public-domain cinematic universe.

The reason he spoke up in that case was because he was taking part in an event and wanted to distinguish that event from a group that had put themselves forward as backers of it. There’s effectively a never-ending supply of crazy internet people behaving badly, and thus a never ending stream of obligations one would

And the tech at Hulu isn’t even that good. If I bring my mouse up it tends to darken near the edges, if I leave a tab paused for a while and then switch back to it or wake up my computer it will start playing automatically even if I don’t want it to, it doesn’t seem to remember what I already gave a thumbs-up, and

Perhaps in the past Netflix would give people a blank check, but budgets are tightening and both Hulu & Apple+ beat them to Best Pictures with directors that I assume came much cheaper than Fincher & Scorsese.

There are too many crazy people on the internet to hold celebrities responsible for their fans’ behavior. Each of us is responsible for our own actions. I know when Snyder participated in some sort of online charity streaming event thing he criticized some group that had been supportive of him (in order to distinguish

Huh, I thought Boll had entirely switched over to restaurants. I was also surprised just minutes ago to see that David O. Russell is making a new movie so soon after Amsterdam bombed.

My allergies are all in favor of that.

Hard to remember a story never told in the first place.

AMC Theatres is a publicly listed, for-profit company (which years ago merged with Loews, which until 1959 owned MGM back when production & distribution of movies were combined). Capitalists have been putting on movies in theaters and charging people for admission for as long as movie theaters have existed. Did movie

By “lose anybody”, I mean as a customer/sale. You set the price of the seat by the amount people value it. If people aren’t sitting in the first few rows, then their price is too high. The classic example of monopolies being less efficient than perfect competition typically requires a lack of price discrimination: if

Easy way around that problem: choose the cheaper option so the audience knows you paid for a worse seat!

They might indeed raise their prices, merely due to inflation. But a simple price increase can cost the most marginal customers, whereas price discrimination can increase profits without losing anybody.

Elijah Woods isn’t an historian? I’m shocked. The AV Club told me he “gets it”!