
Armageddon Time wasn’t nearly as good as The Fabelmans, but I don’t think the thing it was missing was the magic of the movies (although I read in an interview with James Gray that the actual things he tried to steal were Star Trek blueprints, changed to a computer in the film).

For Collodi fans, the perfect Pinocchio adaptation remains elusive.

He had already made a good movie with his first one. It’s his English language films that fall short.

The problem is that Kinja mangled the quote because it contained a url/italics. The article claimed that Nope deserved Best Director over Best Screenplay, and I’m making that claim about Get Out.

I liked it a lot more than you, and I don’t think it’s a film intended to be reduced to some didactic message. If it was trying to tell us that “women can be abusive”, then for one thing it would be superfluous because people already know that’s possible, but for another it would have actually shown her being abusive

It’s my favorite film of the year so far.

I believe the showrunner on Carnivale revealed what was going to happen in later seasons after the show was cancelled.

It’s mostly lip service, however: had Peter taken even a moment to question a God who would allow slavery to happen and not merely and once-too-often noted his devotion to the Lord, Emancipation could have kicked into a higher spiritual gear.

It’s called a “review embargo”, and critics are allowed to say they’re under one and that’s why the review isn’t available.

Jordan Peele’s Get Out Oscar win was for original screenplay, while for directing he only achieved the nomination. We’d argue that Nope deserves that the other way around

I just want him to go back to making movies again instead of miniseries.

That reminds of an incident (which I heard about years later from David Bax, so I can’t be sure it actually happened) of Avril Lavigne dismissing an interviewer’s question about the Sex Pistols, saying she didn’t know who they were or care, arguably the most punk thing she ever did.

Coming to Netflix this month (per an earlier AV Club article)!

The trailer makes it seem like a horror movie.

This doesn’t really seem like “news”. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

I prefer Rare Exports to Gremlins.

My problem with Better Watch Out is I just hated spending time with that kid.

The wikipedia entry for the film claims that The Americans’ Matthew Rhys is also in it, but he’s not on the IMDB page for the film.

In my book the real Mac is Peter Green’s.

The following year, the inverse happened: The classic line-up reunited with Buckingham