
It would be funny regardless, but I wouldn’t have made the connection as quickly.

Objecting to the seizure of land other people are living on is a coherent standard, though few would uphold it consistently.

Here are the first three sentences of the article:

Hulu recently put out an adaptation of Barker’s “Books of Blood”. From everything I heard, it wasn’t very good.

The Conjuring series isn’t one-and-done, but going to space wouldn’t fit the setting.

And that’s just from this year. Barbie does not rank high at all in the big list of studio films.

civil rights accelerator

I’m a Millennial whose favorite genre is horror, but I had never heard of Christopher Pike until Roxanne Benjamin’s “Body at Brighton Rock”.

I’m in the opposite boat: I like his films, but think all his miniseries suffer from Netflix bloat and the two “Haunting” adaptations were just bad ideas from the start.

I might have tested readers with Unhappily Ever After.

the funniest thing you’ve ever ready

It’s physically possible, but violates multiple legal statutes.

the rules to surviving a slasher movie, outlined in Wes Craven’s Scream (1996), speak to thinly veiled racist and misogynistic values of Reagan-era politics and Satanic Panic fear-mongering ginned up by parents’ groups

Just as long as that paper was thrown away.

I had heard of her hysterectomy (during the discussion around Sharp Stick), but not getting sober.

Nobody “comes out” as lacking talent. Authors write books and that testifies to how much talent they have. YA is aimed at children, who lack discernment for quality writing.

the women from Girls were beholden to the mores and assumptions of 20th-century society

GRRM is married now, but lived with his current wife for a long time (I think over a decade or two) prior to getting officially hitched. I think his negative experience with a previous marriage may have turned him against them.

GRRM named it after the “Black Dinner” of Scottish history. Fans then took that name and came up with the “Purple Wedding”, which isn’t referred to as such by any of the characters.

That misconception became the premise for an entire war, with Robert Baratheon believing he was avenging her honor.