
GRRM is married now, but lived with his current wife for a long time (I think over a decade or two) prior to getting officially hitched. I think his negative experience with a previous marriage may have turned him against them.

GRRM named it after the “Black Dinner” of Scottish history. Fans then took that name and came up with the “Purple Wedding”, which isn’t referred to as such by any of the characters.

That misconception became the premise for an entire war, with Robert Baratheon believing he was avenging her honor.

The author continues the conversation in the comments section there, noting that the aristocratic way of life was threatened by the People’s Budget, and eventually foxhunting was banned altogether. The question at issue is “is any natural resource anywhere owned by people who can trace a legitimate claim all the way

This is AVC, so I think an Arrested Development joke would be more on-point.

I was just recently watching a youtuber rave about Pearl as being “the female Joker”, so I find it amusing for Pearl to get the Scorsese blurb while he dinged the ending of the overtly Scorsese-aping Joker.

Only the cool ones?

Because I didn’t see it in a theater, I never bothered to see it at all. I get the impression Cameron got worse with every movie after the original Terminator, so I don’t feel like I’m missing out by not seeing anything after True Lies.

Did he? My understanding is that he didn’t have much to do with her when she was a kid.

I recall in all the press he did for it he said what a bad idea it was, and sure enough everyone who saw it (which excludes me) agreed. I think it might also be Elaine May’s most recent acting gig.

So just one accusation.

Well, now I feel churlish for mocking the wrong person. EDIT: After checking out the Vulture post, it uses the word “scariest” but not “terrifying”, and the immediate context is the low quality of Baldwin’s Instagram video.

Is this “grooming” supposed to take place before or after she was an adult? Because the latter just makes him a giant creep rather than a sexual abuser.

I really enjoyed that Dave Barry book as a kid.

He’s not sorry.

She has actually written about how annoying she finds it that people regard her like a helpless child even though she’s middle-aged herself now.

I don’t think Allen himself has starred in his films for a while now. As for who is giving him money, I would assume Europeans since that’s where he’s been filming more recently.

He can be hired for cheap?

Spielberg making a movie about his childhood is not exactly going to result in something transgressive.

Oscar voters being largely professional imitators rather than intimidators, that checks out.