
Since dogs can’t talk, would breaking the fourth wall require licking the camera lens?

Yet another classic Kurosawa film was remade in the 60s as a western: Rashomon was made into The Outrage.

Rodriguez didn’t direct it, he wrote it while Nimrod Antal directed.

Defoe does have a sort of connection to Kinski in that he played Max Schreck in Shadow of the Vampire after Herzog had already remade Nosferatu with Kinski in Schreck’s role... which in turn was after Kinski had unknowingly played Renfield in Jesus Franco’s Dracula after being given script pages without dialogue that

I doubt HBO had a legal obligation to release the movie.

Not nearly as many times as Werdup has seen the original.

Yup, the Targaryens & their dragons kept breeding to the point that there were too many of them.

Particularly compared to The Predator.

Nichols was supposed to direct a Quiet Place spinoff, but was replaced by the director of Pig. As long as Nichols is still making another movie (it’s been a while since his last one), I think that’s acceptable (though I hope for Michael Sarnoski to make more original movies once he’s similarly established).

Adrien Brody seems like one of the worst possible castings for an action hero. But he wound up being decent, though he’s certainly no Arnie.

It’s been 16 years since Field’s last theatrical release. So perhaps we can expect this in 2038.

A step-up from small-screen garbage:

What is the one incident that will be offscreen here? GRRM doesn’t skimp on them, but I don’t recall which specifically happened between the Great Council of 101 and the outbreak of the Dance of the Dragons.

There are actually other eunuchs in the show. Varys was one, as were all the unsullied. But we met them after they were already castrated.

Predators was surprisingly good.

Is she known to be litigious?

2020 was weird year.

Over at Vulture they joked about a vendetta against Anne Hatheway (for The Witches & Locked Down) instead of Spencer.

I have never described any movie as having “slapped”. As Beavis and/or Butthead could tell you, the opposite of “sucked” is “ruled”.

I was not expecting Leitch to go the talky route.