
Over at Vulture they joked about a vendetta against Anne Hatheway (for The Witches & Locked Down) instead of Spencer.

I have never described any movie as having “slapped”. As Beavis and/or Butthead could tell you, the opposite of “sucked” is “ruled”.

I was not expecting Leitch to go the talky route.

It’s working again now.

What indicated the call was in November?

Kinja’s notifications link is broken. It just takes you to a kinja frontpage.

I had to look up when Madoff got caught to see if that was right for the timeline. I know Breaking Bad screwed up when Uncle Jack mentioned the operation that got Bin Laden, even though that would be years in the future from where the show was at that point.

Jimmy/Saul/Gene wasn’t that money-hungry when he first moved to Omaha (presumably around the time he called Francesca). What caused him to slip back into “the game” was the taxi driver recognizing him.

What did you think of the David S. Pumpkins animated special?

Willy’s Wonderland seemed like a similar sort of ripoff and it absolutely sucked (Cage’s decision not to talk was the one good thing about it).

I must have missed that Newswire about Australia, because I didn’t think people liked that film the first time around. Or perhaps that was just me.

Yes, different from Drood where it was being serialized so the author’s death meant people who started never got the full story they expected.

If you enjoyed 2021's Ghostbusters: Afterlife as much as we did

The repeat happens after the ad. I think they intended to put all of the items under the ad, but screwed up.

Your video misspells “Vengeance”.

You can clearly see it’s a top 10 that only goes to 9.

Based on the headline, I was expecting this story to be much worse.

She was in “Better Watch Out” even earlier. I’m not a fan of the film, because I didn’t like spending time with the other main character, but she was solid in it.

Now Claire Foy can play this British character, and perhaps Vikander can play the Swedish Lisbeth Salander if they make another one of those movies.