
This says the average height of white men in the US is 6'00, which is quite close to Gosling.

Julia Butters is the only reason I have any interest in this.

It is at least pronounceable.

Krige was said above to be South African. Is she really English?

Alternate title “Dorf on Adoption”.

What is “Wally” short for?

Is it really a “snub” if the show is a “hidden gem”? That’s precisely the kind of show not expecting a nomination.

“You know what I see when I see a vamp? A big ol’ dollar sign,”

Bob was introduced and killed in season 2. Billy introduced in 2, killed in 3. Eddie introduced & killed in 4. Surviving one season means surviving them all, unless you’re an antagonist.

We already knew they were cowards when they kept Hopper alive after season 3. I don’t think they’ve killed any character introduced in the first season in a later season. Modine doesn’t count because they really seemed to have killed him off in the first season.

In his pitch letter he said there would be three novels: A Game of Thrones, A Dance With Dragons and The Winds of Winter. The first dealt with the Westerosi civil war, the second with Dany’s Dothraki invasion, and the third with the Others north of the Wall. That first book got split into three, then instead of

It’s far, far, far from the worst Barsanti article. But there’s not really any such thing as a “best” Barsanti article, just the least bad.

I’ve pointed out the same thing in other iterations of this conversation, but against that is the precedent of Robert Jordan saying something similar and then changing his mind when he realized how little time he had left.

The wikipedia page for that sounds like this Canadian animated short:

Sanderson already said he would refuse to do it. He’s a Mormon who doesn’t want to write that sort of edgy material.

Perhaps someone will publish what he wrote of Winds of Winter after he dies. But there will be nothing to publish for the last book because he won’t have started it.

All their songs are inspired by cartoons from the Onion’s Kelly.

I was thinking of a certain Duncan Jones movie, which for all I know was cribbing off an existing work I’m unaware of.

Mike Flanagan is at his best making movies, not miniseries afflicted with Netflix bloat.

Game of Thrones developed its reputation for killing off characters earlier on (before it brought back someone other than Beric Dondarrion). That episode was particularly egregious for characters surviving.