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There should be more films about assassins who aren’t being paid for their work but instead view it as their way to get a foot in the door to a job, like Charles Guiteau.

There have been other zombie romcoms like “Life After Beth” and “Burying the Ex”, but I believe they were both from the perspective of a living guy with a dead girlfriend acting as a third-wheel for his next girlfriend.

Juno is set in Minnesota.

I think it’s worth disassociating this Newswire from “liberalism” or “progressivism” since there are no actual politics in it even if Hattie herself thought she was engaging in it.

Yes, the typical reader would not be expected to recognize any short films but they would still be worth mentioning if she’s already a “filmmaker”. And since she’s referred to as an actor, it would be worth mentioning her most prominent credits which readers might actually recognize (assuming she hasn’t just been

At least Scott Frank isn’t writing this one.

He was in “Indignation”, the best in a trio of movies based on Philip Roth novels I watched at the tail-end of 2020:

“Plus, it would be rather foolish to doubt the Brothers Russo until proven otherwise.”

I don’t know why that url for “Poker Face” categorizes it as a review, since there is no review due to the movie not having been released.


My understanding is that Puzo didn’t actually know much about the mob, he just needed money after his more personal/literary books failed to sell well.

I don’t remember any postscript in Walk Hard. Maybe it was a post-credits thing.

Supposedly one of Snyder’s better films.

Did anyone at AVC actually watch The Princess before listing it among the “best” films? Not having seen it either I can’t say it isn’t, but I didn’t get the impression it had been sent out for review ahead of time.

Which one gets CancerAIDS?

Cruise was the bad guy in Collateral, just a couple years later.

He has apparently written one novel, but he’s mostly a screenwriter and his sensibilities are firmly Hollywood, so if PKD differs he regards the fault as being with PKD.

The angriest I have ever been in a theater was at the end of I Am Legend. I was so sure that using the title meant they MUST retain the original ending that time! I know there’s an alternate ending on the DVD, but the only way to do justice to the book would be to graft the tone of that onto the end of “The Last Man

In “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale” (adapted into Total Recall) the truth just keeps getting more fantastical. The protagonist befriended tiny but advanced aliens that resemble small mice, who decided not to destroy Earth for his sake. Thus the government which employed him as an assassin can’t bump him off to

You don’t know how anyone could read it another way? Have you never seen a Hollywood movie with a happy ending and the loose ends all tied up? Perhaps one directed by a certain Spielberg?