
I thought The Invitation was overrated but I’ve also said Karyn Kusama might be the better person to make a sequel to Ghostbusters: Afterlife since she has more experience in horror (and perhaps kids brought into the franchise via that legacy sequel will be old enough for some more scares by the time that hits

CP is illegal, but “hate speech” isn’t. The other two may be illegal in some circumstances, but I don’t think are in general.

Your memory is better than mine.

I’d bet against that, but resolving a bet after we’re both dead is tricky.

I’m reluctant to link my gmail account to most internet nonsense. I use it for real things!

That’s precisely why he can afford to buy it (also because he’s rich).

Little of what people say is “the truth” because nobody actually faces any negative consequences for bullshitting. Rather, hyperbole & nonsense can help you get more attention. There are things we could do about it, but little interest (on either the political left or right) about actually doing so.

He should do something about all these cars using fossil fuels & emitting carbon.

What are the legal issues posed by not bothering with any content moderation? CP?

Musk can swear that will utterly destroy Twitter once he owns it, and that wouldn’t be “harmful to the shareholders” because they will no longer own the thing he’s destroying.

I use my account to sign in here, because Disqus got replaced by Kinja and the burner converted from my Disqus didn’t work. If Twitter gets destroyed, will Kinja let us sign in via Disqus?

Why can’t the Democrats secede away from the Republicans? California is plenty big enough to be its own country. Not that I think they will, just that they could.

America is too old, fat & lazy.

Start making plans to return to Tumblr

The MI series recently had a supervillain trying to blow up the world. Total Bond nonsense.

Lee didn’t even get any dialogue. The Boris Karloff version was basically a better version of Browning’s Dracula.

I still say he’s a hack. Super 8 is just a forgettable Spielberg imitation which unfortunately helped birth more nostalgia-bait (and lens flair). MI3 (and the subsequent direction that series went in) made that franchise more like imitation Bond, when the striking thing about De Palma’s was how unlike Bond it was. As

Yet, all of those versions owe some thanks to Jack Nicholson’s

Here is David Simon actually engaging in explicit political commentary and how that relates to the show:

I’m sure that over time the core cast was able to demand more pay for later seasons, but the showrunners tried to put the money onscreen (especially in the later seasons when no one was watching for dialogue scenes anymore).