
“Bitching about” entertainment is their job, rather than creating it.

risking life and limb every time they walk into homeroom

You’re right, but to be fair there’s lots of biopics about a Brilliant but Difficult Man.

Is the show about race? It seems like all the real names used are of whites.

Others in this thread have already mentioned the famous fictional inventor John Galt. It has been argued he is best thought of as a metaphor for the “billion tweaks” that our actual technological progress comes from, but you’re not going to get a novel about a literal billion inventors.

I know that’s the story Sacha Baron Cohen (who would never tell a joke) has conveyed, but we got an actual movie approved by May which centered around Freddie.

the decision to make her an Asian woman feels significant

I’m reminded of that Bryan Cranston movie, Wakefield, which I never saw.

Right now he’s in a heist movie where he hijacks an ambulance with an injured cop inside so the cops chasing him are forced to be cautious.

Is this a sequel to Omniboat: A Fast Boat Fantasia?

He played a private-school teacher in Richard Bates feature version of “Excision”. I personally preferred the short version without any recognizable actors.

Bruce Wayne’s dad tried to do that kind of thing. The late Aaron Swartz wrote about the trilogy showing a cycle of failed solutions to problems wrought by the previous stage’s solutions. He considers the middle film to be the final stage, and I’ll link to that so you can follow his links back to the other two:

I think Henry Farrell had it right that the politics of Batman (and many other superhero stories) are aristocratic rather than fascist:

The ones I want to see are The Northman & The Black Phone. Ethan Hawke is in both. Alexander Huls makes a lot of sense:

There was once a thriving subset of “women’s pictures” that depicted things like a mother alienated from her own children. However, I don’t think having a mother separated from her children by an ocean would be common back then.

Big deal?

Just earlier today I was talking to someone who saw it with only one other person because the screening was around noon on a Sunday.

“has ore to offer”
For everyone that Santa forgot to give coal for Christmas.

I had some long rants about that right here at the AV Club that were eaten up when it switched from Disqus to Kinja. For simplicity, let’s focus on season 1 of Fargo. There are a small number of characters, and they are surrounded by what I would consider to be non-characters. The entire Heck family, for instance, are

Not all of those 81 directorial credits have actually even started production. He still does have a very large number for a no-name director