
Now I’m curious to hear what it would sound like if transposed to a minor key.

Now playing

I only discovered this one years after the band broke up:

I’ve never had any children by surrogate... but I’ve also never adopted any children. Aren’t I just as guilty as people who use surrogates of failing to alleviate the plight of those in foster homes?

Yes, when Disqus ended here at AVC many of us migrated to a Disqus channel dedicated to pop culture. But then Disqus got rid of channels, so the people behind that started The Popculturists so we could have the same Disqus threads. Apparently there’s a rival AVC diaspora site which tries to continue other regular

Leatherface would be even older than Michael Meyers, wouldn’t he? Is he going to be the one in the wheelchair this time?

An English class text in school had an excerpt from his book. In that version his family was too poor to buy Ovaltine themselves, so in order to get the decoder ring he would go through the trash of richer families for their discarded proofs of purchase. That made the decoded message of “Be sure to drink your

Steely Dan’s Donald Fagen was another fan of his radio show, though he soured on Shepherd later:

What makes a “Sony Pictures Classics” film “independent” if a “Searchlight” film isn’t? I thought they were both mini labels inside major studios.

No where in that did I say Galton wasn’t a racist. He wrote about how it would be better for the Chinese to take over Africa. But the Chinese aren’t white, and his ideas for eugenics were focused on differences in fertility WITHIN the white English population. And, as I thought I was clear enough in stating, it is

David Prior directed “The Empty Man”, which more people should check out. It’s WAY better than the title suggests, due to dreck like “Slender Man” and “The Bye Bye Man”.

I also watched the original last month:

What makes it a “shitty fucking practice”?

Galton’s focus wasn’t on white people vs non-white people (as in 14 words), but on traits within his own population (though he also imagined that population including the descendants of selective immigration). The 14 words don’t say anything about the traits of eminence Galton was interested in and relentlessly

I would prefer if Somerville were referred to as the “adapter” rather than “creator” of Maniac, even if his version is extremely different (and, in my opinion, worse than the more deliberately lowbrow original).

It’s a shame the Spierig brothers don’t seem to have done anything worthwhile since.

Her expression is different in “Her Smell” (when her character probably should throw up to purge drugs from her system).

The odd thing about calling Heinlein’s book* “fascist” is that it’s so radically globalist, and rather explicitly indicates a universalist conception of morality which would extend across species awaiting in the future. And after wasting an absurd amount of time watching that series of videos I now have to wonder if

I’m like your two-thirds: I found it so unpleasant I never finished watching it.

I never enjoyed the Sopranos all that much, but I always got the sense David Chase and his writers (and really the whole production) knew what they were doing making that unpleasant show. I cannot say the same for Six Feet Under.

Eugenics was invented by Francis Galton, so if anyone can be considered a eugenicist it’s him. He would not have known what you meant by “14 words”, and his big idea was “positive eugenics” in which the “best” people (by his criteria, or presumably people with similar beliefs as him) would be brought together in the