
Gladiator would be the closest to what @Yeahyeah above brings up.

I saw Last Duel a couple weeks ago and thought it was pretty good, even if some critics have overpraised it.

One of the great things about the original Alien is that it’s NOT a superhero movie. Nobody seems to have plot armor, Ripley just happens to survive by keeping her wits about her and not doing anything foolhardy enough to get killed.

Not as cool as “bulbous bouffant”.

I recently finished Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”, next up is E. O. Wilson’s “Anthill”.

Oh, yeah? Well my hat is like a shark’s fin.

“the bottom of the top 10"

All kaiju are communist aligned in Steve Jackson’s Illuminati card game. Ok, maybe just the robot ones. But so is El Nino!

Test audiences find anything in Russian too depressing.

There were some typos in the listicle above, but “star” -> “start” wasn’t one of them.

ad Kantor”
as Kantor

The Fanning sisters acted together in their dub for “My Neighbor Totoro”, but I guess since neither was onscreen you could argue they weren’t “opposite” each other.

“Sofia Wylie and Sophia Anne Caruso as best friends Agatha and Sophie”
That is too many variations on “Sophie”.

Inherent Vice might be my favorite PTA, even while Magnolia might be my least favorite. I guess I just really like Lebowski ripoffs. More people should have watched Lodge 49!

Years ago I considered myself a PTA detractor (now I’m more neutral). This pair of movies are a big part of why. I even prefer Crash to Magnolia.

People saying the movies get better is not enough to get me to watch past the first. There are enough good movie series that start out good rather than requiring me to endure bad ones to get to the good ones.

I was unaware of the accusation Zhao was a Snyder cultist. I don’t recall any speedramps or needledrop intros in “The Rider”!

Found footage from the 18th century, hopefully including scenes of people riding dinosaurs.

The Skinner was an uninteresting villain, and having Dexter run off to kill him and then pop back up for his wedding (I’m probably fuzzy on the details now) was lame.

I guess they thought this would distinguish it from the original enough to make it seem worthwhile.

“Non-violence”? Opposed to war? That doesn’t sound like Catherine the Great. Admittedly, I stopped watching the first season after I heard her stumping for The Social Contract, when the real Catherine hated Rousseau.