
The national Parliament of the UK? I would have thought such traffic issues were handled locally.

This just reflects Dawson Casting since it’s hard to get good & bankable child actors.

Kyle McLachlan previously played Paul, and then a college freshman in Blue Velvet.

I prefer to double-fist my mistakes, which is not the official name of the drink but is what my bartender dubs it for me.

She might have just been focused on Paul and didn’t want other children to distract her.

This is a bit off-topic, but the link to that review of “Aferim!” and recently reading about Frank Herbert’s inspiration via 19th century conflict in the Caucusus* got me thinking again: are there any good films about the expansion of Tsarist Russia? The “Osterns” I’m aware of take place during/after the Russian

I’ll be happy to fail then, because a show lampshading when it’s bad doesn’t make it good.

He’s not really believable as an engineer/aristocratic heir in The Wolfman.

You might prefer “Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon”.

You’ll likely be waiting a long time for herd immunity. If you’re vaccinated then you’re unlikely to get seriously sick.

Kill List was the first Ben Wheatley film I saw, and I found it disappointing (partly because of the ending, with Wheatley’s own explanation of a character’s behavior not helping). Sightseers & A Field in England were much better.

Of these I’ve seen the Community, Stranger Things & American Horror Story episodes. None of which are series I’d recommend to anyone, though I expect I’ll still watch the new season of Stranger Things whenever it gets released. It does seem like Halloween episodes are mostly a sitcom thing. For a while Homestar Runner

If you haven’t seen TCSM then it would be harder for you to judge. It’s more of a slasher than Black Christmas in my book. It doesn’t have a villainous protagonist/POV character like Henry who is mostly killing anonymous people the audience doesn’t care about (until the end). Our POV is with the group of teens who are

A clip of that gets played in the intro to the Fear of God podcast and I didn’t know what it was from. I’ve only seen the original Hellraiser, so if it’s in there I just forgot.

Jr wasn’t a good actor, horror movies just kept casting him because he was Lon Chaney’s kid.

Fugazi kept it DIY in the 90s, but I suppose they were post-hardcore.

Get fully vaccinated then see it on the big screen.

I don’t understand “life rights”. Aren’t real people essentially public domain characters?

People remember Ang Lee’s Hulk as being distinctive among superhero movies, unlike The Incredible Hulk with Edward Norton.

“Creed himself expressed concern because he said ‘it’s not going to get my eye is it,’” Melissa Low Lyon, the former on-set dresser for Into the Dark, told Insider. “And then as soon as it happened, he said ‘I fucking knew it.’”