
BTW do they have sex with the same ponytail they use on their giant birdasaurs?

They are dominating the battle space!

Is no one going to point at the elephant in the room? How about that bleak and accurate dystopian comedy, Back to the Future 2 for showing a world in the hands of Trump!

My dad is old and unfortunately he votes Republican regardless, but the good news is that my Mom cancels out his vote (when its something like Trump)

What you are seeing is Trump desperately wanting to bring the economy back because that is the only thing keeping him in office after November.

Because everyone know the Emperor has only the Best Clothes!

I think Cohen the Barbarian said it best, “Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper.”! 

Because he cant say no to bad movies!

Looking at the names on the list... is number one the best or the silliest? I really cant tell!

Plothole: Could Serac be providing upgraded/military hosts for Maeve?

Decepticons have rights, too!

Run he has an axe!

Same with Medieval World.

That’s what I was thinking too.  

If really old... It sounds like the new Hollywood Squares game show!

Trump will call him some goofy nickname and his base will think that is the end of the debate!

He was scheduled to pray the gay virus away and was running late!

The use of one word is exactly why Trump is a shitty leader: Honesty*

Well, if you werent sick already...

I rather enjoyed pics from the trial. He wore his pajamas to court to plead insanity or something.