I carry a picture of Hitler in my wallet to honor Kaiser rolls.
I carry a picture of Hitler in my wallet to honor Kaiser rolls.
Accessing alcohol isn’t a federal law, nor is it a basic right, so while I’m definitely rolling my eyes at her, and anyone who imposes their arbitrary religious beliefs on those around them, I definitely don’t think she should have been fired. Otherwise, entire counties around the country should have their local…
Shades of Romulus and Remus.
Yeah, personal use is something like 4 percent of California’s water use, right? It’s all agricultural/industrial. Lawn restrictions aren’t going to make a dent.
It is not often (= never) that I find myself quoting Genesis in a comment, but I think it’s appropriate here (1:26):
Bitch, better have my feathers.
I’ve brought this up before, but it seems a lot like the phenomenon of women being stereotyped as being overly talkative (yapping, nagging, chatting, etc.), despite the fact that there have been studies showing that women actually talk way less than men do. People just hate hearing what women have to say.
These photographs are very Kate Chopin, The Awakening.
I can understand their viewpoint, but they’ve had decades worth of time to implement TNR programs and have ignored this issue to this point. Not saying that cats wouldn’t still be killing critters, but there certainly wouldn’t be 2million ferals if they had been a bit more intelligent about this matter.
What I’m looking for is Miller High Life. Which, in some places, costs only $7 for a six-pack.
A man has a designer.
Some assholes tried to steal this guy out of my yard - I heard him crying and came running and they took off. The police came *very* quickly after my husband convinced me to call.
Kill the boy, and let the man be born.
You say “lol,” I say the very first image shows him in a beautiful club collar, which would have been unknown in slave-owning America, a fact which one doesn’t even need to be very good at Google to figure out.
Lots of people. As a black person trying to buy something right now I shop with a white friend who poses as me so I can see the same places.
If a government’s gotten to the point of prison camps and special marriage laws preventing inter-faith marriages, it’s pretty safe to assume they’re sampling from the entire buffet of human rights violations. Mass murder is always on that menu.
That’s pretty close to saying “Remember ISIS when people try to act like Islam is okay or something” which is towing a pretty uncomfortable line. These monks are extremists and are committing mass murders as well as enacting these laws which are rooted in racism and xenophobia. They no more represent Buddhism than…
It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”
Two things can be true:
My parents came of age in the ’60s and ’70s, and so they remember when blacks weren’t allowed to vote, and all the…