
Lots of people. As a black person trying to buy something right now I shop with a white friend who poses as me so I can see the same places.

If a government’s gotten to the point of prison camps and special marriage laws preventing inter-faith marriages, it’s pretty safe to assume they’re sampling from the entire buffet of human rights violations. Mass murder is always on that menu.

That’s pretty close to saying “Remember ISIS when people try to act like Islam is okay or something” which is towing a pretty uncomfortable line. These monks are extremists and are committing mass murders as well as enacting these laws which are rooted in racism and xenophobia. They no more represent Buddhism than

It’s funny how the conservatives are all about “states’ rights” until they don’t like the law the state made. Then all of a sudden they’re all about the “constitution.”

Two things can be true:

Oh my god. More Ill Eagles. I’m really worried about our national symbol.

“This will make ISIS really love us now!”

You would think that any rational person would question a strong belief of theirs if it so happened to align perfectly with ISIS.

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.

illeagls sounds like an avian themed hip hop group

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE! Saying “to the south, the flag never represented slavery, it represented their fight to maintain ‘states rights’ is total and utter bullshit. If me, a Jew, sees someone wearing a swastika and they tell me it’s not about the Holocaust, but about the unification of the German people ...

The Right to Free Speech doesn’t give people the right to force others— individuals, businesses, organizations or other institutions— to be complicit in aiding the dissemination their message.

I feel like this is the justification given when people choose to adopt kids (/buy trafficked babies) from overseas. Yes you generally have to foster first, and yes their is a small time period in which the family can petition depending on the circumstance. But in many cases the time is not that long. Adoption is a

It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.

Word. I also am a light skinned chick. Haitian parent, white parent, white husband & lighter kids. Big ass multi racial family. It’s not about skin color or a hairstyle. It’s just a sixth sense type of thing. When you’ve spent your whole life living with different shades and mixes, it’s just something you can see in

I couldn’t help but wonder... were men and women really from different planets? *bites pencil*

First off: APPLAUSE. Loved this, Sarah.

I ran a Cat Shelter for twelve years. This infection is very rarely contracted and when it is, it tends to be by people with compromised immune systems.

I’m sure these dudes must have thought “Because I’m worth it”.