YOU DIDN'T LIKE HER DRESS?!?! How dare you.
YOU DIDN'T LIKE HER DRESS?!?! How dare you.
This gif is hypnotizing. And I love her in that blue.
Ha, I remember that chick too. That was definitely one of the wilder "let's stop talking about Beyonce" moments.
See, at this point in my life, now that I know crush porn is a thing, raping dead people is no biggie. At least no sentient being is actually suffering. Crazy that these distinctions need to be made.
Okay, gotcha. I guess I would call that genre torture porn. Gross either way - but maybe if it's fictional people won't feel the need to do that shit in real life? I really don't understand the appeal.
Me too. There's no one in pop who can even compete these days.
Thank God. A tiny sliver of faith in humanity restored.
Wait, snuff movies are real? As in, movies where people actually DIE? I thought that was an urban legend...:(
So sorry - I hate when I get sucked into the bowels of the Internet on bullshit like this, you seemed in the know so thought I'd ask. But wow! Good for him, I guess? I totally pictured KK keeping the ring out of spite or something.
I remember hearing it cost, like, half of his entire life fortune though. Any word on whether or not he gave it back?
Also, why is six a bad age to explain about genocide? It sounds like a pretty good age to me, get them while they're still somewhat open-minded, teach them about prejudice and the importance of treating others fairly...right?
Huh. Because of the Botox or because of hard living (i.e. alcohol, drugs, etc)? I don't know anyone who gets cosmetic procedures done (that I know of) but I use the hell out of products and might consider Botox in small amounts (if I could afford it, ha).
This is a fabulous, well thought out and much appreciated argument. I do have to disagree with your take on Muslims and Muhammad. Are they oppressed on a global scale? Yes and no - it depends on the country. But they've also made it clear that depictions of Muhammad offend them. So why be the dick that sets out…
I agree, hero worship of any stripes can easily become alarming. But I'm not sure that's actually wants going on here - I wouldn't be surprised if a fair number of commenters only moderately enjoy her music and persona but want to defend her from what sometimes come off as racist/classist attacks. I know I fall into…
Your last question is much more complex than you may imagine ;)
Well, I was only trying to offer insight on some of the annoyed responses you've been getting re Beyonce "hype" not necessarily lump you in with anybody. Sorry if it came off that way.
Ha, I love her now more than I ever thought I would back in the DC days BECAUSE of the way people dog on her.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I accidentally starred your comment above but got to thinking and decided to respond to you anyway. For the record, I don't think you - or anyone - is necessarily racist for not liking Beyonce and you are, of course, entitled to your own opinions on her.
But...why would actual royalty merit more praise than Beyonce? They inherit titles and are born into wealth while Beyonce worked her way up from the working class. Tell me you can understand why people admire her for that at least?
Thanks for your post and the link. This is by the far the best, most reasoned criticism of the cover I've heard. Although I'm not convinced that Kim is as privileged as one might think - growing up in LA with her body type and coloring surrounded by blonde waifs probably has its own set of tribulations and I'm not…