
Huh, thanks for sharing that about True Blood - I definitely loved the look and storylines of the first season. In one of the more recent episodes, I actually recognized a $400 DVF dress Sookie was wearing and had a hard time getting past it. Though, in the books I have read, I seem to recall there was some kind of

Ah, okay. It's funny - and perhaps a sad statement on modern hip hop - but I totally gloss over the use of the word bitch in songs. Yet I'd cuss a guy out if he ever called me that in person. :/

Fellow fan of rough sex here. And I think you hit it on the head: consent is the key issue and nothing about the song, especially the "naughty" rap, rings of force. Also, I fail to see the similarities between the lyrics, "He don't smack your ass enough" and a rapist saying, "Stop pretending that you are a human

The more I actually listen to the song, the less I understand what the hell he's talking about. Is she a good girl because she's being faithful to her boyfriend? He hates the blurred lines between single and technically taken but in a relationship that's on the rocks? At the risk of sounding stupid, what about it

I think you may have just answered your own question. She consistently looks good and she's a personality. She was on a hit reality TV show. People get, and apparently stay, famous with far less.

Oh my God, I know your comment was tongue-in-cheek/ironic but I cannot help but recall all the rides from dubious individuals I accepted as a teen/young adult when thinking of this case. I was SUCH an IDIOT and nothing nearly as bad as the horrors these young women suffered ever happened to me, thank Jesus. It makes

Um, where is my boy Derrick Pierce?

I LOVE makeup, so I'm with you here. Luckily, my man doesn't seem to mind it either way, except when he feels I'm taking too long. My favorite "you're beautiful the way you are so let's just go" moment happened when we were running late for a wedding and I still had applied shadow to one eye.

Yeah, I can see where the health officials are coming from, too. I'm down in LA and so don't know this lady but we have plenty of similar vendors. Our state just passed the home kitchens law - allowing people to sell baked goods, jams, etc (just not meat, as I understand it) that was made in their home kitchen - and

I also had a bad experience with a goose - I got too close to it for (its) comfort and it chased me away, honking maniacally the entire time. Like, I was legitimately scared that it would attack me - geese are big mofos!

God, I know. It's cases like this that make me wish that our justice system weren't tainted by racism and class bias because I - and a lot of other people, I imagine - would have no problems seeing this guy executed.

Thanks for the explanation on her break from reality. Still, while I get the keeping your promises thing, the chick died. For no reason. And Catelyn did the killing. There's just no way I can get behind someone that heartless - though I do appreciate that Martin/the showrunners crafted such a well-rounded,

Hmm. I have not read the books but I hated Catelyn even MORE after that scene where she admitted to having prayed for Jon Snow to survive whatever childhood illness. Because not only was she being spiteful - taking out her anger at her husband on an innocent kid, which is wak - but she KNEW what she was doing was

Never heard of them before this article but I like them too! Very cheery, light-hearted pop; I could see myself dancing to this with friends.

Okay, thank you for saying you don't love Cat Stark. I actively dislike her - not only is she mean to my boy Jon Snow but she went back on her promise to the Gods or whoever to treat him kindly. Yes, that karma is a bitch - and was starting to feel alone in the world.

Great article, thanks. I'm mixed and you totally hit the nail on the head talking about having to pick one racial identity over another. As a kid, I remember crying myself to sleep at night because I didn't look like my white mother. Now, I'm so fiercely proud of my black heritage and don't even consider myself

So true. If you're dog doesn't view POC as people, then the problem lies with you, not the dog.

Umm...am I the only one who doesn't buy this "dogs can be racist" premise? Racism in humans is a VERY RECENT phenomenon (as opposed to xenophobia) so I refuse to believe that dogs actually attribute value to various tones of human skin - that smacks of crazy anthropomorphization (sp?) to me.

Ha! When my husband and I were in Jamaica, our crazy driver was calling everybody else on the road sodomites. I think it was the first time I heard anyone use that word outside of church or religion lectures.

Yeah, I think you might be right - the same thing pretty much happened to me at a LA Bloomingdale's. But since Macy's owns Bloomingdale's, maybe it's actually a company policy? If I were this necklace guy, I'd totally make some noise to see if I couldn't score at least a gift certificate.