
Beyoncé the giant metal chicken?

If she did, you know it will be on twitter as soon as he can access his account. And since he usually drops his bombs on Friday night/Saturday morning.... we’ll, it won’t be long.

Didn’t she say in the first 5 minutes that they asked the White House for comment?

Uni the Unicorn is one of my favorite books to read my youngest daughter.

You have zero clue what else she has had to pay for in that two years. Life happens, especially when you don’t have a safety net.

My grandfather and his siblings had the best fights. They would go months with out speaking over petty bs. And then it would just be over and they would be fine.

Live Action Cinderella’s dress made my inner 17 year old want a prom do over for that dress.

I don’t even know what to say about this. There are so many layers of BS. 1) what the fuck does someone else’s religion have to do with you? 2) what in the ever loving fuck are you accomplishing by knocking over headstones? 3) how the hell did so many people not learn to treat others the way they want to be treated?

Well, that explains why I couldn’t find it, because I was pretty sure it was San Francisco. Thanks!

I feel like there was someone that the police used excessive force on (beat) and one of the charges that were levied against that person related to getting blood on the officer’s uniform. If they can charge someone for that, they can charge for anything.

My jack ass rep is on that Committee. Call, email and multiple tweets have been sent. I am pissed about DeVos and he pulls this shit? Awesome, here let me take out my frustrations.

I am making Cuban sliders. I bought Chex mix, guac, salsa, spinach dip and chips.

I did too, but that ligament that connects your pelvis? that sucker about ended me. I remember hardly being able to walk it would hurt so bad. I can’t imagine trying to sing *and* dance while trying to breathe through that pain.

The more he complains about the MLK statue report, the more I believe the initial report was accurate and they moved it back as soon as they saw the tweet.


From who though? Donald doesn’t have enough money to clear my conscience so I could sleep at night.

You know, if she gave two shits about other people/other POC she would not have fucked Kwame over in the finale of the Apprentice season 1. (Yes, I am so bitter.) She and Trump have a mutually beneficial relationship and as long as he is around, she will be around. But I cannot fathom what benefit she is getting that

Why can’t we have QB skills for linemen?

Mr Clean’s face looks like they took Gibbs and Ducky from NCIS Original Recipe and what’s his name with the thick Alabama accent on NCIS New Orleans and smooshed it together.

My friend was arrested for pushing her ex husband when he tried to take her car keys. Arrested 3 days later at work for simple assault. Her ex took one step back and that was all. I don’t see how this isn’t assault, he laid hands on someone with out permission. And it was someone without the ability to fight back.