Teacher in China

Just got back from Hong Kong :)
Do you think AV Club would accept an article if we did it? If not, I bet the Solute would - they seem pretty open to all sorts of different articles.

These guys are on my life list. Despite being a fan for 2 decades, I still haven't seen them live. Both times they played my hometown, I was on the other side of the world. Melvins and Godflesh both top my list of bands I have to see live before I die.

I think Buzzo's is equal to it. And Joe Preston's, when I'm in the right mood, is epic. Definitely not an every day listen though.

Lexicon Devil, Goin Blind, and Green Manalishi are all awesome covers. I enjoyed Let Me Roll it as well, but those other three are the tops.

"Why do they need something more than their word?"
Ask all those people who still don't believe them and keep going to Cosby's shows. No matter what your personal opinion on the subject, it's pretty clear that for a lot of people, their word isn't enough.

I really doubt those would have sounded any good all synthed up anyways.

That area's great for shooting westerns and the like though. Would have loved to have seen it all dolled up in person for that flick.

Oh yeah? Well, that seals the deal then. I love that story!

Yeah I think I remember the FX turning me off a little before, but I was like 12 or something when last I saw it. I think I can overlook that this time. I've recently been (slowly) rewatching the 4th Doctor stuff in order, since there were a few that I missed entirely, and I never had the chance to watch them all in

You know, I get all the criticisms of "Honor Among Thieves", but I'll be damned if I didn't love every second of it anyways. Likewise to "One Little Ship". They're both really solid pulpy genre adventures that achieve exactly what they reached for.


At least Mack survived, otherwise they'd have NO ONE to say "Daayumm" and "Aw HELL naw"!

I don't think it's a minor nitpick at all. You nailed it. Totally unbelievable and ridiculous. More of the show working soooo hard to make Skye interesting when she really just isn't.

FitzSimmons being the best part about the show I can completely agree with. To the point where I'd say I care about almost no one else in the show, They're all still cardboard cutouts of characters with negligable personality and/or acting abilit. EDIT: except Mack, who I quite like.

I'm one of those people, and I'm just catching up now. Maybe I shouldn't have marathoned so many episodes in a few days, but honestly this is still a really mediocre show, even at its best.

But that's my biggest problem with her! They keep trying so hard to make her into everything that fanboys want. How the hell did she improve her fighting skills so quickly that she can hold her own against someone who nearly took down the fucking Cavalry a few episodes ago?! This is a girl who couldn't even throw a

It's a vast improvement, sure, but that wasn't exactly hard to pull off given how ridiculously bad the first season was. This show still has a lot of problems. It is mediocre television even at its best.

Maybe they're worried about the show getting canceled and want to make sure the necessary back story gets out…?

After School Special?

I think that was the only 3D Zelda that I ever finished with no help from outside sources. I can't remember about the 2D ones offhand. Anyways, amazing game - loved every minute of it. Enjoy it!