It's not black or white.Having characters that like sex and lust after the human body is not the same as making the choice to pan the camera down to the ass of their coworker for an extended walk-away that somehow cures Arthur's headache.
It's not black or white.Having characters that like sex and lust after the human body is not the same as making the choice to pan the camera down to the ass of their coworker for an extended walk-away that somehow cures Arthur's headache.
But Coop wasn't in Twin Peaks for that long. He was an FBI agent, not a local cop.
I understand that. Still doesn't work very well. And Julee Cruise is still alive.
There is a difference between appreciating another human's body and ogling. That woman is their coworker. Why did they choose her to accompany them on their trip? That shot (and reaction) also happen right after they have rudely asked her to leave the conversation. None of this is a huge deal, but it's boring, and…
Yes, but why show that? The camera asks the viewer to look at her the same way the old men are. No one is saying "it's the worst thing EVER", but it is a cheap, unnecessary move that makes the other work around it cheaper.
There's a difference between fictional characters doing something and forcing the audience to sit in that character's shoes, particularly when that character is played by the director of the series. What purpose did the shot on the agent's ass (and the elderly men's reaction) serve?
Wally Brando was great. Andy and Lucy are horrible. Dr. Jacoby painting shovels is really bad. Gordon and Arthur watching the FBI agent's ass was disgusting. Bobby is great, though he highlights what (thus far) is missing from this season: love and heartbreak. James is not nearly as bad as everyone says. "And now: our…
I mostly thought that scene was nice - but what was with him getting grossed out by Denise talking about menopause? Doesn't that undermine the sweetness of what precedes?
I just watched ep4 last night, and that dumb FBI ass scene was so unnecessary, and not funny. I'm very curious what Lynch and Frost think something like that adds to their show.
I read through many, but not all, comments, and didn't find one that mentioned the unbelievability that Arnold, (who seems to be Dev's BEST friend), had an 11-year relationship with a woman he almost started a family with and this is the first time he's mentioning it to Dev!!! Talk about a dumbshit television…
I literally could not look at the screen during that toast.
I watched the first two episodes with about 200 other people in a theater which shall not be named. I know many others watched in smaller groups, or at bars (for some reason).
Man, this review makes me dislike episode 3 even more than I already did! (Haven't yet seen episode 4.) Be careful not to hurt yourself bending over backwards defending the decision to cast the first black woman in the series as a prostitute who needlessly walks around naked for most of her screen time! Or painting…
"You are sure you are seen as evil"? Is that your own insecurity talking? Because I am very visibly a white man (and most could probably ascertain I'm straight pretty quickly), and I don't feel like I'm seen as evil by anyone in any space. I'm sure if I walked into a space with a chip on my shoulder, and a…
I goggled it. It is an interesting story, which is more nuanced (of course) than the idea you bring here. Read about the history of these events at Evergreen here:
There are plenty of articles on this site every day where the words of straight, white men are taken seriously. The race and gender of Carolla are not why his viewpoints are being shunned, but they are impossible to ignore in the context of his message. The basic premise is that the voices of white men are almost all…
And you think Carolla is going to bring that to you?
Oh man, what a TOTAL ***CRINGE**** that your little brother is idealistic!!
You're really going all out, huh?
Why, oh why, must you give that heckler this attention!? That's why they shouted - to be included in reviews! They're probably jerking off to this article right now.