
We won’t fully know the extent until the Rams get three more wins.

If only there was a convenient metaphor for how all this is collapsing.

bow of flags?

I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

Gonna wait about 15 mins until I see my grandma sharing an article on facebook titled.

When I was a kid, people in my parent’s generation were immediately suspicious of anything that came from the internet. “Don’t meet anyone from the internet in real life!” “You can’t believe that, it’s just on the internet!”

“Jerry Rodshoffer. 945 Summit St.

I assume someone else was supposed to write this story about Wentz, but traded down.

Shit, that means we’re getting a Samuel Hagar in six months.

Think how much farther he could have kicked it if he’d been a second round pick.

Honestly I think his words are below the belt.

Goddamit. Joke/my head/WOOOOSH.

Considering nobody buys Steph’s ugly ass shoes to begin with, I’m leaning toward this being a non issue.

This seems like a non-story. The ceremony would probably have happened in the middle of the week when school is in session, and you just can’t expect UNC players to skip classes.

If Donald feels so strongly that professional athletes should stand for the anthem or be fired, he should buy a professional football team. He would earn billions making all those deals great deals he makes. Really great deals!!!

Where would he have been registered- California? A vote against Trump would have done absolutely nothing to the electoral college there.

“Hell freezes over” is tough t0 schedule.

I’m starting to get this feeling that Trump does not like black people.