
YEARS in prison for this? Give me a fucking break you white apologists. Whatever your stance on how these people acted they didn’t kill anyone. There are people who have that do significantly less time. Ridiculous.

This is equal parts amazing and equal parts pure lunacy. Most of these are just throwaway vehicles from random parts of history. To even have the sheer number of cars that have zero significance in history and void of any elegance whatsoever is ridiculously obsessive.

How long until he plays the race card

I feel this probably has a more comprehensible story than MGS too

Who are you going to believe the employees working in this environment or the COO who has to answer to shareholders and put a positive spin every bullshit policy this company enacts?

So that’s what happened to Freddie Ljungberg

I voted for him and I know a lot of people who voted for him and are not ashamed one bit. This election was very clear, you either vote to maintain the status quo or blow it up and making a statement about what people think about the the current state of government and the direction our country is and has been

Suellentrop sounds like an insufferable prick. Even the name should inspire readers to pass on this self-indulgent garbage.

Kickstarter is for rubes, no surprise or sympathy here. How often does this have to happen before the idiots that continue to piss away their hard earned money on pie in the sky fantasies learn their lesson?

“Look at our wierd game? aren’t we just so crazy???”

“never let anyone make fun of my country.”

Good ridance, take the Northeast with you.

Good. The gawker sites have an abvious anti-T.Rump bias and it’s great watching you shits stew in it.

This is the person we should elect as president, not one of the shitstains we have running now.

Exactly the same expereience I have had with them. I have a Surface Pro 4 and it is ridiculously problematic compared to my ipad pro. 

Didn’t you just some article on this woman a couple weeks ago? You really got a hard on for her

The world was really clamouring for a “bio-pic” of an F-level singer from 30 years ago.

I doubt the game will be any worse than the MGS games before it and in fact will probably have a semi-coherent story, something most of Kojimis games have lacked.

Nope because this is just a bunch of neckbeards on the internet giving double-speak. Those complaining will still buy it when it comes out.

Without Kojima we will finally get a Metal Gear game without some complicated nonsense of a story.