
The republican party hates democracy. The republican party hates America. It is the only explanation as to why they work so hard to suppress the voice of the majority.

I can guarantee you there’s loads of examples of people that lived how they wanted, eating whatever they wanted, and dying early. There’s probably also loads of examples of people trying to be healthy who end up living long lives. And there’s probably examples of loads of people trying to be healthy but dying early

In fairness though to the GOP legislators, the NRA does spend a lot of money to bribe them.

In response to the outrage at her comments, Pirro invited Omar to appear on her show.

I fully expect the Republican Party of the 2030s, if it exists, to deny that Trump ever existed and blame President Hillary Clinton for this whole mess.

I was sure it was an intentionally misleading edit, because there’s no way Jonathan Kent would tell Clark he should let people die. But then I was wrong.

Go back and watch Glenn Ford’s “you are here for a reason” speech in the 1978 version and you’ll know exactly what’s wrong with this version.

Not particularly a fan of Superman or any other superhero, but I don’t think this argument holds up.

JJ Abrams is an over-rated hack. His time travel crap ruined Star Trek and his Star Wars movies are just retreads of the originals with a bigger Death Star. I liked Cloverfield & Super 8, but most of his stuff is derivative crap.

So his future career is a big shrouded mystery where the answer will ultimately be sort of disappointing?  Weird.

Someone send this to McAdams. She really killed it and should be recognized for it.  I can easily imagine another actor overdoing this, but McAdams kept it in control with smart choices.  I’ve always found her to be solid in anything she works on, but she was especially good and a re-revelation in Game Night.

“We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, after watching some recent coverage of the shutdown, according to one person familiar with the conversation. “Why can’t we get a deal?”

I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed. 

Absolutely the first rule of medicine is to save lives... For medical professionals and doctors.

While I see the appeal of Beto for 2020 I actually don’t think that he’s the guy for the job. If I were to think what would be best for our country, politically, I just see Beto as someone who if successful would simply be more fuel for the partisan fires, to the delight of our adversaries.

They need a better evacuation plan. 

So there you go.

Justice Roberts comes from a naive and quaint time in American politics when the difference between a liberal and a conservative was a disagreement over income taxes or waging pre-emptive wars.