
JJ Abrams is an over-rated hack. His time travel crap ruined Star Trek and his Star Wars movies are just retreads of the originals with a bigger Death Star. I liked Cloverfield & Super 8, but most of his stuff is derivative crap.

So his future career is a big shrouded mystery where the answer will ultimately be sort of disappointing?  Weird.

Someone send this to McAdams. She really killed it and should be recognized for it.  I can easily imagine another actor overdoing this, but McAdams kept it in control with smart choices.  I’ve always found her to be solid in anything she works on, but she was especially good and a re-revelation in Game Night.

“We are getting crushed!” Mr. Trump told his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, after watching some recent coverage of the shutdown, according to one person familiar with the conversation. “Why can’t we get a deal?”

There is precedent for longevity. Admiral Leonard McCoy was 137 in ‘Encounter at Farpoint’, although he did look the worse for wear. Its plausible that by the Picard series start, Picard could be that age or older but only look as if he’s aged 10 years and still be in good physical health (or five, given Sir Patrick

I would hope that the events of Picard take place not just a decade after but actually several decades after Nemesis. The reason for this is that human longevity should be much greater in the 24th (or 25th) century. So even though Patrick Stewart aged 10 years since Nemesis a similarly aged Picard might have seen

In a related story, Indian religions have refused to stop using the swastika as a holy symbol, and rejected efforts to revise Vedic texts to remove references to “aryans.” It’s almost as though words and practices co-opted by the Nazis didn’t lose all other meanings.

On one hand, fuck Nazi’s. Obviously.

I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed. 

Absolutely the first rule of medicine is to save lives... For medical professionals and doctors.

Could it be a back door that lets a new FF continuity work with the MCU? A new writer would have to use that though. 

While I see the appeal of Beto for 2020 I actually don’t think that he’s the guy for the job. If I were to think what would be best for our country, politically, I just see Beto as someone who if successful would simply be more fuel for the partisan fires, to the delight of our adversaries.

They need a better evacuation plan. 

So there you go.

You know what’s wild? Olivia de Havilland is still alive! 102, god bless her!

Justice Roberts comes from a naive and quaint time in American politics when the difference between a liberal and a conservative was a disagreement over income taxes or waging pre-emptive wars.

Ha, yep, sounds right up my alley - I’ll look into it!

After 80 years it’s still the case that the Errol Flynn/Olivia de Havilland version of this story is the best.

Sarah Elliott, who was born in Virginia, was a member of the Tea Party and worked as a researcher for the Grover Norquist-led group, Americans for Tax Reform. It’s there that she met Elliott, per DeSmog UK, who long admired Norquist.