Giuliani probably thinks you need to wear a condom to ensure you don’t contract VPN.
Giuliani probably thinks you need to wear a condom to ensure you don’t contract VPN.
This was tame compared to 1995 when a disgruntled vet stole a tank and proceeded to fuck shit up for a half hour until he was shot dead by police. Amazingly no one else was killed.
I caught that singular usage too! Ugh.
Just for context, the federal labeling law came to be because Vermont went ahead with their own labeling requirement. Instead of having to comply with different state labeling law, food companies compromised and supported a uniform federal law. Wholeheartedly agree though that GMO fears pertaining to health are…
This labeling seems pointless and expensive. Advocating against GMOs is no different than supporting antivaxxers or climate change deniers. All of these are emotion and agenda driven rather than being based on science.
I think we decided that in our last election. We won by 3 million votes. Despite that the enemies of our country stole the government yet again by exploiting the weaknesses in our democracy. Liberal democracies such as ours are susceptible to demagoguery and populism, a fact the founders knew too well and which they…
Bullshiiiit. DonVanSin is right on. They’ve definitely got the underpinnings of a long travel RWD tube chassis. Trailing arms in the rear. They run. There’s a story to be had if you can discover which shop (probably in California) built the chassis.
This! Can we get a piece on the Lost in Space Chariots (new ones) they are super badass looking, and I WANT ONE NOW!
I was thinking of the Sherlock Holmes cinematic franchises and the intricate web of casting in the inevitable Kevin Bacon game I play whenever I see a Marvel movie. To see both Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Downey on screen with each other, two actors portraying decidedly different but manically similar versions of…
A big infusion of cash from the Russians.
the times we live in. now dom lemon is the voice of reason while kanye has become the pariah.
I don’t know what to do with Don Lemon. He’s been on point since Trump got elected, but before then, he was contrary for the sake of it like Kanye is now and acted a straight donkey on Bill Cosby and BLM protesters before.
If you had told me two years ago that Don Lemon would be on the verge of redeeming himself, I would have laughed out loud.
2018 is so fucked up it made Don Lemon woke.
Like with milk chocolate, the quality of milk in lattes and cappuccinos makes a huge difference to the flavor. I’ve never had Italian espresso in Italy, but a 7-11 flat white in Australia is better than any store-bought latte I’ve had in the States. I’m convinced it’s because the Aussies use milk from grass-fed cows…
Jesse Helms, 1972.
Many would point to the cause of the Dem/Repub split LBJ’s push for the Civil Rights Act (1964) & Voting Rights Act (1965) . Federal legislation giving giving black human beings the same rights enjoyed by human beings with less melanin offended southern Democrats. The “Dixiecrats” wandered the political desert until…