You could say he was trying to get off in New Jersey.
You could say he was trying to get off in New Jersey.
Are you referring to the future of our food supply or his picture?
No doubt this is the guy they thought they would find at Comet Ping Pong.
I was going to post something similar, just not as eloquently as you have.
Please let there be tapes.
An easier way to do this is simply to test everyone on this archaic document called the US Constitution and on American History.
Trump Signs EO Creating Commission to
InvestigateManufacture Voter Fraud and Also to Soothe His Ego
Yet another horrible video that highlights the hypocrisy, arrogance, and ignorance of the anti-American garbage that now infests the executive branch. This is what it’s like to see our country destroyed from within by an enemy that is domestic.
I’d like to see Johnny Depp in the sequel to Being John Malkovich- Being Johnny Depp- in which Johnny Depp stumbles across a doorway into his own mind and he gets to experience being himself on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean movie
The Trump experience has been so polarizing to American values that I would support any politician whose political platform was based on the seizure of every last penny of Trumps ill gotten assets and the reallocation of those assets to health care for the needy, support of women’s rights, education, environmental…
I’m curious- did she actually write this one or did she borrow one of her dad’s ghost writers?
If anyone is worried about this they have two options. They can opt out or if that isn’t sufficient they can just not buy the car. Elon Musk isn’t forcing anyone to buy his cars.
he is a man of genuine intellect, character, and ability.
My perspective on this as a Tesla owner is that it is a non-issue and part of the electric vehicle learning curve. To me it’s akin to carbon buildup in an internal combustion engine in that it’s something that happens with the normal operation of the car but is really taken for granted by owners. The first time it…
Goes to show- never go into business with a guy named Chip.
I have a refresh 2016 Tesla Model S with Autopilot 1.0. It’s an incredible car. AP 1.0 used the MobileEye chip for its autosteering and traffic aware cruise control (TACC) which when combined is what Tesla calls Autopilot. In late 2016, shortly after I got my car, Tesla released a new version of the Autopilot,…
In a completely unrelated story Tonya Hardings former husband Jeff Gilooly was recently spotted in Paris working as a consultant for the national Russian cycling team who were there in support of Marine Le Pens candidacy sporting Make France Great Again cycling hats.
Ironically, it will be through a consequence of his hypocrisy and incompetence that we likely won’t have a recognizable democracy in 2028. At that time we might be well into the reign Donald Trump Jr, the orange ones appointed successor. No doubt Ivankas family would have been imprisoned or purged following the…
I’m a bit reluctant to make light of this awful situation but one of the things I have begun to wonder as this story develops is who is going to end up playing the role of this passenger on SNL?
the addictive manifestation of the family values of the American one-percent