
The problem with this article is that it should be read by the people who support Trump. These idiots are the ones who are most likely to suffer in a Trump presidency and are voting against their own self interests. They will be unemployed, have an insuffficient safety net, and would be the type of people who Trump

None of this Donald Trump. Donald Trump was long ago replaced by his doppleganger and media publicist, John Barron, who speaks exactly like Donald Trump but has smaller hands.

I see where you’re coming from with the field of view of the sensor but I think there is another alternative.

It used to worry me that Trump so often talks in the third person. Surely, I thought, this is a sign of some underlying mental instability.

Jason- I agree with your proposal. The best case/worst case graph could be adjusted so that the limits are set a few standard deviations from the mean and a distribution curve could be added to give people an idea of how the car performs for the majority of drivers. I would suspect the graph to be skewed in some way

Now the image of this guy examining Donald Trump’s ass is burned into my mind. It is equally nightmarish, comical, and exactly fitting.

There’s no doubt that Trump can turn this country around to the mirror image of what it is now- 93% unemployment, welfare for Trump with the middle class footing the bill and the indentured, and a the Dow Jones at around 200 points.

Obviously they’re being sarcastic.

This game seems to be inspired by the 80's Amiga classic Starglider 2, a fairly open ended space exploration game that also had a giant snake if I recollect correctly. No Mans Sky is very similar except obviously updated to today's technology.

From what I’ve seen of this game it reminds me a great deal of a classic Amiga game called Starglider 2. SG2 was released about 30 years ago and came on a single floppy. The game was set in a single solar system with each world containing different fauna and flora. The life forms weren’t procedurally rendered but

My feeble effort to impose logic on this decidedly surreal political spectacle has been to rationalize the Trump candidacy as a cynical and well measured attempt to lay the foundation for usurping Fox News viewers for the purpose of setting up his own network.

This is excellent. I was wondering if the cars were anachronistic. I’m also relieved to learn that I’m not the only one who does this.

Kristen, I have to disagree with this. While Tesla’s may not be special they are sufficiently different from ICE vehicles that they do have a valid point. There are two major elements to this.

I guess I could stick my phone in a centrifuge at work.

I’m not a Tesla owner but I do feel that I need to make a few comments/observations in support of Tesla in general and autonomous driving in particular.

Greece 2.0

This was the subject of a terrible movie starring, among many others, John Cusack, Bridgette Fonda, and Anthony Hopkins as Kellogg. It made note of many of the topics in this article.

I’m thinking Lady Stoneheart makes her debut on Ramsay.

Just watched the trailer- it looks promising as a reverse Matrix meets the Spanish Inquisition using Avatar technology mixed with Quantum Leap. Of course this is the conceit of the game and a video game can easily convince players to accept these premises if the immersion is otherwise sufficient. It will be

Maybe he would have been more socially relevant if he had been orange instead of purple.