
We should have this conversation again after John Carter and the Princess of Mars comes out.

I would have included SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defense Organization) from UFO on this list.

The main difference, in my view, between this show and the original is that whereas the originals writers modeled the V's after Nazi's the current shows writers evidently had a deep, heartfelt fear of Hollywood talent agents.

This seems to be the foundation of a logical move by Google against Apple's iMovie. If Google can provide Youtube users simple cloud based editing and enhancement tools it would undermine the appeal of the Mac OS as a digital hub and improve the appeal of Google's own fledgling OS's.

I'm glad to see Cobie in this role. A few years ago I used to think that she would make a great Wonder Woman.

I used to envision Cobie as a good candidate to fill in Linda Carters garter belt for Wonder Woman.

I perceived the opening scene of Star Wars (What was later lamely named Episode IV) to be in 3D. It was mind blowing back in the late 70's.

Really, another time travel show?

It misses the point of being Superman. Superman is super without the suit, not because of it.

Star Trek was still airing when I was a child.

Time for a reboot...

I'm still not convinced Chloe's transformation is the result of her alien abduction, as much of the crew on the Destiny has assumed.

Missing from the iOS column are apps that integrate with the cars OBD II port. I use a Kiwi WiFi to plug in and create a wireless connection with the my cars on board computer.

I recently saw Victor Webster in an episode of Castle and couldn't help but think he would make a good Superman/Clark Kent. After some internet searching I discovered he has some superhero experience as a Mutant X alumni (never watched the show) and he had some on screen presence that seemed suitable for the role.

Is it really clear that Chloe's changes are caused by her abductors from season 1?

What the camera didn't show is the adult sized diaper.

A 3000 foot high cruise ship? That's an amusing typo.

@Knight_of_Pentacles: Thanks for that Knight- I think you're right. I was read a lot of Fred Saberhagen back then so it is likely I picked this up.

I consider a lot of Star Trek to be fantasy.

It's not surprising- This is the business model Apple has used for the last decade which none of its competitors, and very few journalists let alone bloggers have been able to identify.