
So this guy was attempting to pass your car, so you sped up to prevent him from passing you, forcing him to make the dramatic maneuver so he can make his turn. Then you get out of your car to confront him while he is in a car with his family?

3rd Gear: Connected — Why do automakers keep trying to (permanently) install 3rd party devices in cars, even though every one of us already has a better device that is with us at all times? It’s unnecessary duplication, and will be obsolete before your 24 month lease is up (or before you are even above water on you

If your grandma is getting you a car for christmas don’t talk back you spoiled bish.

That Cruz is what my Grandma would get me for Christmas.

the Tesla’s driving style would be just fine in Boston, where driving patterns are all unpredictable.

I’m going to assume less than people kill.

I’ll put down $1,000 for a Tesla Model 3 I haven’t seen the final version of and wait two years over that.

I was once given some sage advice on the internet and I will now share it with you, and I quote:

Does anyone even realize how dangerous this is?
They should have the car on jackstands while they do this.