
Aw, c'mon. Really, the Veloster? I kind of had my eye on it.

Let's see Sabine take that Transit SSV around The Ring.

This makes me not so proud to say I live in Knoxville.

Forgive me for probably not knowing, but will the current HDMI version be able to handle 4K?

On the contrary, a simple search at sites like ecomodders and the like will show you people consistently getting 60+mpg's. With slight mods, they're getting into the 70's & 80's. I've got a '92 4-door Metro A/T that get gets 40-45 each fill up.

Indeed, I think that it's times like these that we not worry about which carriers have the fastest 4G network and focus on our own humanity and, in this case, how 50 people can lay their lives down to save an entire nation.

I say crack pipe. I paid $700 for my '92 Metro 4-door about 3 years during the last gas surge and only had to put in an alternator and a battery. The original head gasket finally went at 190K in which I swapped it out along with the rings. This is such an easy car to work on. Even though I have a manumatic (A/T

Intel has already solved the chipset/Sata issue and have been producing the new chipsets for a few weeks now. So, these new MBPs shouldn't have an issue.

Why does anyone need Blu-Ray for a laptop? If it's to ouput to a TV, if you can afford a 17" MBP, you can afford a $100 BR player and not whine about it.

Because they wanted people to think they came up with something 2x faster than USB 3.0.

And you're basing this on what specifics?

At $3.03, I'm loving my 3-cyl 1.0L Geo Metro everyday!

Looks like someone stretched a GT-R

@rotaryfreakjoe: Yet, she probably has more than many out there.

Wow, how many versions are we all going to buy. First there were the originals, then the special editions, then DVD, then the prequels, now the Blu-Ray, & then in 5-6 years there will be the 3D editions. Insane.

@bahsura: I agree, they're awesome. I've used all monoprice products for my 120" projected 6.1 theater. All audio and video cables, including 30ft HDMI, produce excellent quality. There wall receptacles make for a clean look as well. I've also used them to rewire the entire house for CAT5. I've never had an issue

@Tom Fuller: Let's see you continue to say this when when your BMW fails you and you have to sputter 40+ miles to the closest dealer for a fix. Not to mention having to miss work or anything important while dealing with the issue.

@hntergren: Certainly you can dream higher than 3GB.