I have something scary to share with you. I was recently helping my younger brother with a writing assignment for his English class. He is in the 9th grade. The task was write a paragraph (of at least 9 sentences and a quote. GASP!!!!) on the setting of his chosen novel and post it to a blog page dedicated to his…
Just wtf...good natured teasing or few a silly harmless rituals are one thing. I'm not defending them, I think it's fairly stupid, but as long as no one gets hurt there isn't anything explicitly wrong with it.
I hear you. It's ugly shit, and it gets way less attention than it deserves. I was trying to be slightly optimistic. Now I just want to go drink.
Wait where was your argument again?
I, too, own a thesaurus.
If you can't see why those comments come across as either completely trolly or woefully ignorant, then either you're new around here, or just an idiot. Sure he can disagree with me all he likes. Just like the christian right. His opinions are not somehow magically entitled to universal respect just because he…
You can argue if it was murder or manslaughter all you like. We don't really have enough to completely, unambiguously prove intent, mostly because the only other witness got shot and died. But let's establish a few givens:
1) Here's to hoping that the Stand Your Ground Insanity gets thrown out over this? (I'm not hopeful, and it doesn't make things any better for Renisha and her family, but there is no valid excuse for this crap...ever, might all well try to do some good here.)
Wait....are you implying that the vaguely homoerotic themes surrounding Sam and Frodo's friendship might not be solely the product of my (depraved) imagination?
4!!!! 4 whole womynz!!!! (Dwarfettes aside)
That was actually the single most intelligent thing that I have ever heard Paris say. By intelligent I mean "blindingly obvious anyone anyone not completely racist and/or self absorbed".
There is one couple of hobbits who completely fit the description of the Sackville-Bagginses. As in: older and generally miserable looking. They make a couple of brief appearances, but do and say nothing. And are never identified directly.
Dah fuck?
I think she should be more worried about being put on trial for witchcraft. It's obvious to me that she is attempting to use her feminine wiles (which everyone knows come from Satan) to seduce the pious men of Plymouth into sin. Uppity harlot... Maybe she ought to sew a scarlet 'A' on to her dress?
I'm trying to figure out if it would have been better or worse if they had found an Indian woman sufficiently emotionally damaged to be willing to do this. I give up, I mean it couldn't really get any worse...could it? I mean an "authentic" model would have least indicated that they gave half a shit about their ad. …
Honestly, this level of stupid impresses me. It takes effort and commitment to be this fucking ignorant. It also makes my brain hurt.
Alright, fair enough. If want to call some other people out on their own personal brand of crazy, please be my guest. I'll cheer you on.