
I’m pretty sure now that it’s Churro. Behold, the Churro sheep!

Tallboy: a tall cylindrical can for beverages (such as beer) usually measuring 16 fluid ounces

Followed by:
Bond 26:

No Time to Die, Mr. Bond ?

That’s a palmier and it doesn’t look anything even remotely like an elephant ear which looks like a puffy fried tortilla.

Yes. Business in the front, party in the back. :)

On the credit thing - any visibility on who they would do the credit check with? I have my credit frozen at the big three (because of incessant data leakage and theft). It would be handy to know which one to issue a temporary ‘thaw’ on for the credit check.

We are, as a world population, getting fat and old. Cars are going to be taller until that changes.

That’s a more charitable take on these surcharges than I’d give restaurateurs credit for. Here in the Seattle area these sort of surcharges coincidentally started appearing right around when the minimum wage was raised to $15/hr., and at the time some business owners were quite vocal in their opposition to it. It’s no

The mobile app still seems to work. At least, my Android smartphone is still showing all of my appointments, and I can add new ones.

A few more:


Honda element, or a Ford Transit. My “dirtbagger life” friends have these and they are great for hauling all their stuff from kayaks to kegs. Added bonus of removing the rear seats and filling them with crash pads to make a bed.

My guess is that the new Jedi order that will be founded by Rey will abandon the Jedi name and will be called “Skywalkers.”

Or, you know, you can take advantage of card benefits and, you know, pay off your balances so you carry no debt AND get awesome stuff.

Pants don’t do a good job selling cars.

Their episode on Foxconn is necessary listening.

I’m confused. How are there leftover chicken wings?