
Since the movie came out everybody claimed the death star weakness was stupid. Why would they make such a design flaw. Why wouldnt they cover the exhaust port or make it with a form nobody could shoot through it. This has bothered Many and been used to mock star wars for its nonsense.

Yeah, I really wouldn’t expect any automaker to advertise that their car will do the opposite of this. Favoring the vehicle occupants will sell more cars than altruism. Guaranteed.

It sounds heartless, but the only correct answer is the one that Mercedes gave. Would any of us give up control to a car that doesn’t prioritize the survivability of its occupants over anything else? I sure as hell wouldn’t. The car isn’t making a choice to kill those orphans, it’s making a choice not to kill you.

the layer of grease that ends up splattered all over your kitchen

Halftime is his favorite part of the game!

I try to keep an open mind, but some people are just fucking weird.

Lighten up Francis.

Dear Gizmodo,

If butter is Transformers then margarine is GoBots. If you like this post you are old as shit.

I’d argue that we fly because its far more convenient than driving across country or taking a ship across the ocean.

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

On paper, it’s a terrifying idea to solidify a backstory for such an iconic character, but NEVER TELL ME THE ODDS!

⬆️⬆️⬇️⬇️⬅️➡️⬅️➡️BA start

I want to Make Jakuu Great Again!


They really need to rebalance turrets a bit. I’m fine with being shredded by a well placed turret but once I’m dead the next person heading in to take it out should have more than .001 seconds before the thing has swiveled 180 degrees to kill them too. The damn things should have a more realistic reaction/aiming rate