Do Wager, Countess

According to family history, my aunt was a notoriously shy child to the point where she was often scolded for rudeness. I imagine Caroline has a similar situation. I was a shy kid too, who eventually learned how to hide it entirely (so now a lot of people seem surprised when I say I’m introverted—friendly and

This will never not be timely.

Nicki Mirage.

typo shade

Once again, the point flies over another pundit’s head. Yes the Republican Party will be all right because what Trump represents is what the Republican Party has become after years of the southern strategy, courting the evangelical right wing, the war on drugs. You want to pretend it’s not true but it is. Trump is

My favorite favorite cookbooks are the ones from America’s Test Kitchen! They tell you what to do and what not to do (that is, what they tried that didn’t work)! Perfect for someone like me who sees recipes as guidelines.

To be fair to people who avoid junk food altogether; it’s much, much easier to eat zero chips than one. I don’t crave junk food simply because it’s out of my system. I am absolutely sure, based on previous experience, that if I went to McDonald’s this afternoon, I would want it again tomorrow. I don’t want it this

There is no evidence that calorie restriction is bad for you — severe calorie restriction is. If you are trying to lose weight and consume 2500 calories a day, reducing that intake to 2000 over time is not bad for you. In fact, if you are obese, it is probably in your best interest. Often switching to a healthy diet


What I would give to have FLOTUS in my contacts with Hail to the Chief as her ringtone.

I grant you one of my precious votes purely for your name. For the past month I’ve been shouting, “Boaty McBoat Face,” because it makes me so happy that this is a submission. It won’t pass, but I’m just happy it’s there.

Given the reports I’ve been seeing this morning about Trump shrugging off Paul Manafort and going back to listening to Lewandowski, I assume we’re about to see a return to unpresidential lunatic Trump.

Trump’s makeup person is confused about the white around his eyes. JUST the eyebrows, please- not the whole eye area.

Oh, I totally agree. Tons of people will blame her for starting a gender war by being presumptuous enough to seek a position of power while being a woman.

True but it does warm my icy cold liberal heart that in history Obama will go down as a great president. Reasonable people see this.

If Hillary Clinton were a man, she would have locked up the nomination in January.

It’s more like “If Hillary were a man with those same qualifications, she’d be predicted to win by a landslide.” The “woman card” has only gotten her sexist bullshit over the years and made it that much more difficult to achieve what she’s achieved. The only advantage the “woman card” gets any of us is the occasional

Then the troglodytes will complain about how she set gender relations back like they’re complaining about Obama setting back race relations. No, race and gender relations have always sucked, just ask a POC and/or a woman; having a non-white man as President just brought racial issues to the forefront and made it

other cards Hillary has or had:

Somehow, saying the panel is for “male allies” just makes it worse. If the intended audience was “male allies” it would make more sense for the panel to be women to speak about their own experiences.