Do Wager, Countess

Good for you, Adele. I loved breastfeeding my son, but there was a whole whack of shame and scare tactics from the nurses that made it seem like the ONLY thing a woman ought to do. And when we had to supplement with formula for a short time for medical reasons, I had a breakdown because we were doing something I’d

If my husband did that, I would tell him exactly where he could shove the can of formula. Must be nice for him to do 0% of the work of feeding the baby and still not be satisfied with how it’s being done.

This is exactly why I don’t want to breastfeed. Those middle-of-the-night feedings are both horrible and a chance to bond with your child. Both parents should take on the burden and gift of those moments.

My last week my sister and I both skipped lunch and we decided to go out to dinner and we rolled into the restaurant at 5-prime old people time (it was only us and old people). But we were seated and served so quickly. Old people time rocks.

Lmfao, I doubt that very much. Miley may be a permastoned oblivious weirdo, but she has plenty of cash and adoration.

My brother in law did the same things, and he’s a really nice guy but he read it was better and it saves money.

I don’t understand the anti-formula brigade either. Do they expect women to let their babies starve?

My mom did the same thing with me in the late 80s. I turned out fine.

If it was on my tray, I took it... ;)

Also, some people just don’t fucking want to breastfeed. When I have kids, I won’t even try to breastfeed, even though I will likely be perfectly able to do so. Formula is not poison. Everybody is going to be fine.

That’s similar to what my friend experienced. She was so stressed out because her kid wasn’t gaining weight and she was barely producing any milk, and she’d really internalized the idea that breastfeeding is what you’re supposed to do as a new mom, so not being able to made her feel really shitty about herself. She

From the Miley article:

ditch the midwife.

I like dinner at 5 :( :(

Someone I used to work with used to hide formula around the house like it was bottles of booze when she couldn’t produce enough milk to feed the baby. The midwife used to harangue her about how she HAD to stick to just breastfeeding and then in the next breath make comments about she’d ‘have to inform’ people if the

Adele continues to make me adore her more and more every day. Also how refreshing, in a world of glamours celebrities breastfeeding their angelic offspring to hear a celeb speak out that they struggled with it.

Rachel already turned this guy down 20 years ago.

Adele gets my vote for telling smug arsed Jamie Oliver (who has never tried to breast feed) to get tae fuck. Adele is Queen. He is should stick to inviting celebs around to cook mediocre food and fawning on them as per his recent show. All his kids are called things like Peachy-Flower or Kitty-Witty-Woo or something.

So, like, I understand that this dirt bag is full of words that are actual words, but I remain unable to make meaning out of any of this.