
What voice fits the role of a gorilla?

“They should have a gorilla act as a gorilla only! You’re taking jobs from gorillas!” - Kotaku writers.

Why do people hate Elon so much? I don’t get it other then he’s derpy, but most people are. 

Sure, easy to say when it’s not your shit being stolen.

Man, you guys really have a hard on for Musk.

Are they only banning Musk impersonators or all impersonators?

So you protest people being able to impersonate “verified” accounts by impersonating a “verified” account. Then when they take action against people impersonating accounts, you get upset? These people are so far up their own assholes.

So sorry we will miss your presence playing this gamed because it’s not silly enough for you. :(

Tell me more about your time living in medieval Europe!

It’s a private company making a product to make money. Don’t buy it if it’s not diverse enough for you. That whole narrative of adding more diversity adds to a products appeal and therefore profit, hasn’t proven true once because people will still buy it.

Before treating Elon like the bad guy, remember he tried to back out of the deal, but the greed of the executives were more important then protecting anyones jobs or “speech” or whatever else they try to say Elon is trying to kill. They did it for the $$$.

Why give attention to something like this? It just paints gamers in a bad light and provides confirmation bias to people who already think gamers are all garbage people.

Nice job, racist.

Let’s continue to give millionaire influencers more free exposure! Yay! Luke are you taking money from this person?

Just go to Julliard, amirite?

Citation needed

Reminder: If you disagree with me then you’re a Nazi or an incel. There is no room for non-conformity

Gross. I don’t support extremism on either side of the political spectrum.

The victimhood mentality of “people hate women of color” is disingenuous and designed to silence criticism. People don’t like her politics and just as she’s incredibly outspoken about her stance, people push back just as loudly because they feel like they need to.

You’re so special and brave. Also a simp.