
Was it dramatic to see? Sure. But none of it matters when you can take a time stone, go back to Thanos childhood and give him a better life. Or take the gauntlet and snap your fingers again and undo anything you want. Poof - everything bad is undone.

Most decent sized public libraries have an inventory bigger than Blockbuster ever had. I used to “rent” 5-6 discs a week when I lived closer to one.

This is an interesting point.....I’ve traditionally been someone who would rewatch movies constantly. But with the rise of peak content, I barely rewatch anything anymore, the heavy weight of my “watchlist” queue is constantly hanging over me. Like Frodos ring.

You can always just load up a Kindle, then forever disconnect it from wifi. You’d never need fear those books going away.

This!!! If you can get Plex to work it’s a helluva solution.

This is Maddow’s greatest folly, following Sean Hannity all the way to the bottom of the barrel and rolling around with him in there.

Trademark and Copyright aren’t the same thing - in both function and especially in approval/enforcement.

Glad someone said it - I started reading thinking it would somehow cleverly tie back to a sci-fi TV show (ya know, the point of the original article), but after paragraph 3 I stopped realizing that it would not.

No one should feel too sad about this. Most of these stores are a FAR cry from what they were in the 80s or 90s. Poor inventory, generally dirty, stuff strewn about everywhere, terrible layouts, poor integration of video games, etc.

Hyperbole is oxygen for gawker-spawn sites. If you take it away, they all die.

I’d rather have Broadbent as Slughorn. His confessional scene with Harry was pitch perfect.

I have a pretty sure feeling he’s gonna CRUSH this role. Between him as Cheney and Steve Carrell as Rumsfeld, I’m very excited to see.

Are you normally this much of a douchebag, or is this a special occasion?

If you don’t know anything about something you shouldn’t comment.

Yes, but she also intentionally stopped campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan. So “emails” only go so far.

These are people who never had to hunt or grow their own food.


What movie is this?

This is why the show/brand is stronger than ever.

Chairs. In a circle. In an arena. A literal “game of thrones.”