
It’s not racist to say that Black History Month shouldn’t exist. Just the opposite. And to pretend that “their role in slavery, colonization, torture, the burning of cities, Jim Crow segregation, and police brutality...” defines white people is also actual racism.

He forgot to shave. 

Can we please return to a world where melanin doesn’t matter.

Cop in the picture huh? All agenda, all the time. The left can’t sell their message without help because it won’t sell itself.

No one cares about this. 

You’re all such victims. 

So, communism (theft by gun)? 

Great article. Can't have anyone thinking for themselves and straying from the plantation.

Accept you'd find no dirt and might just be convinced to actually be a decent citizen.

There is no brutality.

I'm sure Kap is relieved he no longer has to carry on the charade that he wants to play football.

You do realize that Uncle Tom was a figure that looked past his racist tendencies, right? It has nothing to do with selling out.

So a multimillion dollar job is a “plantation”. Where do I sign up for my shackles?

He’s just not very good at football or being a martyr.

I'm the beholder, and my eyes sting look at her nastiness.

Hot? Maybe from the neck down and if you don’t have to hear her voice.

You can’t be serious with this nonsense.

She’s a twit.

You chose that because he’s black or gay. 

He was raised by his culture to play the perpetual victim. He didn’t stray.