Yes to all this but commenting specifically to share in your wtf over those dumb contacts. Thry were so bad I thought there was gonna be some weird reveal about his eyes in the final episode!
Well that’s reason enough for me. De-throne the currents and lets see what kinda wild ride her reign can take us on. She couldn’t do ANY WORSE.
He does have quite a debt to work off though...
Julianne Hough looked very Baby’s First Gender Trouble.
As a queer American, Christene and the Queens has long been a household name we selfishly try to keep secret from the unwashed masses. V, v excited for Chris!
This does not have near enough the stars it deserves
Classic good negotiation tactic. Ask for 76 and be happy with the much more comfortable 74 degrees they give you. 72 would be the best temp, but my hope is that she threw in a couple of degrees just to piss him off. #politicizingroomtemps
I’m just unsure how this all works without Mary Berry’s dentures and Hermes belt buckle and asking about sponges and what not.
Keanu Reeves is turning into Trent Reznor who was always Severus Snape.
Straight people are so weird
This is an excellent marketing ploy by Hyrdox and it’s hard to be mad at it because what else are you gonna do if you named your brand Hydrox?
This shit right here is why I have to xanax my way through work. It is infuriating.
The HBO Doc about the Wisconsin stabbing is seriously horrific enough. We didn’t need a crappy horror movie about the meme.
This looks like a great one to check out. I’m getting a lot of mileage with Aaptiv (kinda expensive) and even free ones from PopSugar’s fitness app. It’s amazing how just a prerecorded guided workout can motivate me to kick it up a notch.
I somehow think it’s fair to assume you wouldn’t apply this same critique to other comedians who are known for subverting audience expectation. Andy Kaufman has 2 docs and a mainstream jim carrey movie made about him for christ sakes. Why does she not get to play with expectations now?
I completely respect Dykstra’s choice not to participate in the investigation. From what she’s saying, her publishing the details of the abuse was for her own healing. It’s her choice and journey to make. Period.
I’ve always rooted for Jen Lindley. Mazel to them both.
I’d say they missed the mark on this one...
I do wonder if every emergency responder in that city has been contacted and offered money in exchange for whatever or whomever they can leak info about. Like, do cops with a West Hollywood beat just hope they’re the ones who get the celebrity overdose so they can cash out with TMZ money? It’s gotta be a lot of…