I’ll play, and thank you for the Fuck off Friday fodder.
I’ll play, and thank you for the Fuck off Friday fodder.
Christina Aguilera has this uncanny ability to put out mediocre music 3-5 behind each “trend.” See her “ain’t no other man” era, her spanish language album, and now this miley rip-off. All of it is zzzZzzz. It’s too bad because girl undeniably has pipes.
Well congrats to the happy couple but I have no doubt that wedding had lots of mason jars
Allison Mack was in an acapella group named simply human and that’s all I need as evidence that she was in a cult that branded women and called it “interdependence.”
I was reading Asian American film and media criticisms of the Apu character since the late 90s/early 2000s, as a white student with fairly naive views about the world. I’m sure criticisms have existed since day 1 even before I was exposed. That so much time can pass between the initial criticism and today shows that…
I agree, this (not 50 shades, obvi) was the kinkiest mainstream movie I’ve seen in a while. Also a more appropriate ending than that pos mother! movie ever provided.
Actually, that’d be the FTC’s domain. DSHEA basically lays out that supplements should be regulated differently than drugs (don’t require the same RCT studies because they aren’t asking to making efficacy claims, have separate cGMPs, etc). What would kill supplements like this would be a pre-approval system that was…
I can’t say I stan for either but Aniston WAS cast in SNL before turning it down for Friends. People don’t give comedians enough credit, and she has the chops.
Your interpretation is glaringly obtuse. Must be nice to live in such an uncomplicated world.
Rich old people problems
He turned into Rachel Maddow!
It wasn’t a surprise but the hype leading up to it was more akin to Caitlyn Jenner’s public coming out hype. A lot of speculation and then rumblings of some public declaration that was timed with magazine covers and such. As a young lesbian, those were heady times!
That interview breaks my heart
The finale proved that the influence of Judd Apatow was too strong. Despite its many, many flaws, I kinda hate that Girls was Apatowed*.
Nancy O’Hell Naw would have sufficed
It’s ok. Elba doesn’t need you.
This could be erratic Britney or this could be goofy Britney. Either way, I’m glad she’s suing because the girl deserves to be erratic or goofy in peace.
I fucking love that the bat is called hot sauce
Yep, and there was a hard edit there, which OBVIOUSLY means that’s where she announced her newfound ladyloverness. I would be so happy to have her on the team. She already went through head-shaving phase...