
No rioting or looting. They all had to go to work, so their tax money could be spent on Planned Parenthood and other worthy social programs. And of course mortgages and car notes need to be paid. These protesters are the exact reason why middle America gave Hillary the finger.

Saying that I said that is actually a straw man. They were not the sole cause, but they were a part of it. Many of them didn’t show up for the election or voted third party, and those are two huge factors in her loss. I’m addition there was a lack of enthusiasm, which is also partially on them. It isn’t provable yet,

Apparently they missed how the first women to ever be campaign manager for a winning presidential campaign Was hired by Trump or how the new First Lady is an actual immigrant from Slovenia who came here legally of all things. They seem to be missing that Trump loves people who are willing to work for what they want

Yes, but the key phrase there is “in raw numbers”. As a percentage of eligible voters turnout was down.

Why you gotta bring race into it?

Guess you didn’t read the first line.

I don’t take heart in the thought of the party being taken over by Bernie supporters, because he would have done even worse than she did in a general election.

IMO the Democrats got crushed for several reasons:

I’ll repost what I wrote to, Vin. Yes, the article is about a race truck but statements like this:

Fiscally I’m a conservative. overall I consider myself a moderate. I don’t support the DNC. I just hate ignorance which both parties showed plenty of the past 2 years

Well, must of the “writers” they have don’t know much about cars other than what they paraphrase and regurgitate from real writers. Shit, they apparently don’t know much about anything they try to write about.

The very first sentence is “While many wallow in sadness about the election of a racist, sexist person into the highest U.S. office...”, which sets the tone of the article as a political opinion piece, not an article about NASCAR. Didn’t you ever take a composition class? Writing like that belongs on Jezebel, or

“If I had a son, he’d look like [black man shot to death while attempting to beat a Hispanic man to death].”

Gawker got bankrupt by that lawsuit thus more of their writers came here spreading political crap.

Actually that’s already been debunked those morons beat him up over a fenderbender they had no way of knowing he actually voted for trump. this is just a bunch of thugs beating up on someone cause they’re thugs. not political alliances

Now imagine that was a black guy getting stomped by a bunch of white guys. Fuuuuuuuuckkkkk meeeeee they would be burning the city down and looting and the whole internet would be awash with much frothing and gnashing of teeth.

Toyota, huh?

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.