Tatterhood's Goat

girls’ gymnastics and men’s gymnastics are pretty different sports, so possibly for the same reason one might prefer to coach football over rugby.

We should be a bit wary of EVERYONE who is responsible for vulnerable people. Not assume they are definitely creeps, but they should certainly be watched with the mindset of wanting to pick up on warning signs, rather than ready to overlook, dismiss, or excuse them, male or female.

Plus, how do you protect the boys, if the logic is that children should be supervised by an adult of the same sex and that men are the dangerous ones...

Isn’t that kind of the point? That predators are drawn to these kinds of jobs, so it makes sense that we are wary of the people who do them?

Sarcasm? Or do you and ten other people believe we all become pedophiles when unsupervised around young girls? I really hope it’s sarcasm.

Got my period at 10. Had my first kiss eleven years later, at 21. Was still not socially or emotionally mature enough for the sex that followed very shortly after.

The Arctic is rapidly opening up, and this region isn’t exactly leading the charge against climate change.

Er...strike ‘Yukon”. I fail at geography. Sorry, Yukoners!

Snowmobile, IMHO, but since I’ve not yet been on one, I probably don’t get a vote.

Maybe. But B.C. is where the cool kids hang out.

I think Russians are familiar with the rigours of fighting wars over a vast frozen territory.

Fair. It’s a bit better out east, but I can’t pretend that’s due to superior foresight or ethics. It’s totally our geography. We do a number on factory chickens, but the cows have an easier time and the monocropping is on a smaller scale without the vast, uninteruppted plains.

Thinking it might be more likely Alberta would secede and form a new countrywith the Midwestern states., maybe all the way down to join Texas. If they could convince some of the Yukon or N.W.T that they wouldn’t get totally screwed if they came with, they could ocean access, which, with global warming, makes for easy

Um...isn’t B.C. the favourite? And I say this as a proud Maritimer.

You mean that we have both proper bacon and Canadian bacon, which is delicious/funny but not bacon?

We (Canada) are totally taking Maine. They were already part of Acadia. They have moose, lobsters, and proper blueberries - they’re practically Maritimers already.

That’s fair.

I’m thinking country music is pretty okay with revenge in general, but I’m not a regular listener. Then again, so are rap, metal, and probably a ton of other genres. I think the difference is that most of the others that welcome spite are less open to female performers.

In Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me, she’s the female version of a fedora’s “Nice Guy”. This is not a song to aspire to, musically or psychologically.

Yeah, I know you’re right.