My vote goes to "OK, ethical dilemmas resolved!"
My vote goes to "OK, ethical dilemmas resolved!"
So, I know it's kinda moot, but it never occurred to them that Hilltop probably isn't there anymore? They knew where Rick & co were going, they knew who told about the Savior base that got hit.
Hey, Plot-Device Pike
Kill as you like
Plot-Device Pike
Never read the books - I didn't see this as Quentin "betraying" Alice at all. This was a pretty typical college drunken screwpile. That both of them will *make* it into something huge will not suprise me if it happens.
yeah because they're SO legal.
1) Kara should go back with Barry, beat up Zoom, and make adorable babies. She so deserves that better world.
Good thing we aren't letting lightweight shows like this get weekly reviews, taking attention away from the important stuff like "Grimm".
This got much better as it went along. Seems like the 4 episodes have become for TV what the opening weekend is for movies now - an unfortunate shorthand that rewards certain kinds of works and punishes others, good and bad.
Sure seems to me that if you're going to get stereotyped for future roles, it can't be bad to be Jesse Martin. I want him to get roles in all the movies. "We need someone who the audience will instinctively trust." "I've got just the guy…"
Also, applause for centering a whole episode around an interrogation that never even hints at torture. Firing squads, sure, but that's not the same thing.
Hey, you want to dissect sentient alien beings in secret like they were frogs in high school biology class, knock yourself out. Just don't dissect anyone we know personally! That would be awful.
The problem with the "let's run away" scene is how can she possibly believe him? Especially after hearing the exact same line before. He'll get a phone call from Karen or Foggy or someone, or get some other bug up his ass, or she'll do something he doesn't approve of, and it'll be Later babe, I got this thing to do.
So subtle.
RED SUPERGIRL 100%!! RED SUPERGIRL 2016! Everything thing she said was true and long long overdue. Say goodbye to the last honest dialog you'll ever hear on this show. When she mocked Alex for calling the whaambulance again I burst out laughing, perfect follow-up to the magic tearful apology.
Wow. I didn't really remember too much about the show, but assumed I must have watched it just from ubiquity. But if this was *good* then apparently not. I couldn't even make it through the episode. Stupid writing, bad acting, just dumb in all directions. The American idea of "humor" is beyond me I guess.
There's always been a way around the various foolishness of digital media, it's just tedious and self-restricting.
People who think there's nothing they'll miss about CDs may sing a different tune when their entire collections evaporate in a corporate reshuffle. CDs and other physical media are the only versions of music that you *actually own*. Any digital purchase is only a temporary permission to listen to the music by your…
"Predators were not meant to live beside prey!" Mmm, kinda think they are though, really, food chain and all. Unless Naan's a vegan? Could make sense I guess.
I'm seeing a scene with her and H'ank at a bar later where he hands her a $20. "I didn't believe it, but you were right." "Told you! The waterworks do it every time." *tears up* "Oh, Kara, I'm so suh-suh-sorry!" *they bust up laughing*
OK it's bad enough to leave the guy his arrows after capturing him, but to leave them in his quiver blocking his neck when you're about to cut his head off with a sword? This is the criminal mastermind that defeated Team Arrow? That city is doomed.