Got a 64GB Zune HD for $150 off of someone who got an iPod touch through craigslist - I've wanted an HD for years and all that patience and searching paid off.
Got a 64GB Zune HD for $150 off of someone who got an iPod touch through craigslist - I've wanted an HD for years and all that patience and searching paid off.
404 - what did it say?
You know, there are new things on Craigslist too - perhaps it wasn't a used one?
In 1999 my parents bought this: [] (Not their actual TV, but same model) and it was around $6000 dollars.
The kittens really don't seem to want to play with the toys.. They just kind of stare at them - kind of amusing to try and get them to play with them though.
What do you mean by that? I'm on 15GB and counting with my 4G and if anything my speeds have actually gone UP (43Mbps Down/15Mbps Up)
If people hardly ever use their turn signals to alert people that they're going to be entering of exiting your lane what makes you think they're going to activate some switch that will alert people of distracted driving?
I've been trying to use Path but the only other person who follows me is my girlfriend....
Yes, but I want hundreds of these. :P
The difference between Megaupload and Torrents is that megaupload would actually HOLD the file on their servers whereas uploading the .torrent would be a small (Couple of KBs) that would start a torrent download on the downloader's computer.
Exactly what I was thinking. I was really disappointed that they could have saved themselves a bunch of time and money and just made a block of metal instead of having to shape it into an Axe head.
I love how the Obama administration loves saying that they're going to get involved with the people and then when we actually get to asking them questions they don't want to answer they just totally step around them - one example: []
Why would you need an external device to do this? One of the first things I did when I got my Droid X was download this application (which has evolved since then) [] and check my heart rate. It worked within seconds and is actually pretty darned accurate.
That top 5 gaming mice list is laughable - the fact that the MX518 or its successor the G400 didn't make the list is proof enough that the list shouldn't be trusted.
I have these glasses as well and can vouch for them. I've only owned them for about a year but they've survived one move already!
Just got off the phone with Best Buy in San Bruno, looks like their fraud team is going to take a look at it, hopefully they can get those gift cards canceled before they get to use them!
Funny that there's an article about this seeing as how I just got my information skimmed off of an ATM somewhere 2 days ago.
I know - am quite bummed that it died on me - I kept on refreshing but now the Buy button doesn't even do anything. Well who knows maybe they'll have some more for tomorrow when the general public is supposed to get them. *Shrug* I'll probably miss that time too knowing my luck. :P
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